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Macbook Pro late 2016, iPhone 11 Pro Max

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iOS 10


My Question or Issue


I take so much time creating playlists it's like a hobby of mine and I enjoy it a lot and take pride in my playlists. I was sad to see/notice today that I have over 200 public playlists- 224 to be exact, but only the first 200 show on my public profile. I don't understand why there is a public playlists limit, but I pay for premium and would love it if Spotify lifted this limit. I am very sad and disappointed in this limit and feel like there's no point in me creating more playlists now if my other ones I've worked so hard on will not be shown. Please lift this limit Spotify!!!! 

Top Answer
Spotify Legend

Hey folks,


Thanks for getting in touch with us 🙂


Currently the number of playlists that can be viewed is 200. We always strive to improve our app and appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback with us. We'll make sure to pass it on to the right team.


You can also head here and add your +Vote and Subscribe to the thread so you can stay up-to-date with any relevant news about this. Rest assured that the higher the number of votes an idea gets, the more likely it is for it to be implemented.   


If you have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We'll be happy to help.

25 Replies

Same, me too. I love to do it and have been paying for premium for YEARS. Lately Spotify has been removing and changing so many things, just making it WORSE and now that I just found out this limit exists, I seriously don’t even want to continue my subscription.

I am having the same problem now, is this going to be changed anytime soon?

Hey folks,


Thanks for getting in touch with us 🙂


Currently the number of playlists that can be viewed is 200. We always strive to improve our app and appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback with us. We'll make sure to pass it on to the right team.


You can also head here and add your +Vote and Subscribe to the thread so you can stay up-to-date with any relevant news about this. Rest assured that the higher the number of votes an idea gets, the more likely it is for it to be implemented.   


If you have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We'll be happy to help.

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I clicked that "here" link but it says "access denied" as I don't have sufficient privileges or something. I'd really like to reinvigorate this issue of increasing the public playlists limit. How can I put forward this petition again? Honestly it's rather important to me and I'll advocate strongly to get it votes and attention, at least to extend the public playlist limit to something like 500 or so. When you can, let me know what I can do. Thank you!

Screen Shot 2021-12-05 at 10.50.32 AM.png

Hey @bensmith916!

Thanks for the heads up!

We're sorry about the link above. You can find a more recent version of the same idea here. Even though it is marked as closed, it will still be reviewed again if it gathers enough votes, so feel free to drop a +Vote on it and Subscribe to the thread for future updates.


Hope this helps.


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How many votes must it get? I see it mentioned 50 votes within 3 months, and it's at 48 votes now. Just curious what it would take for it to get reviewed again. Thanks for the help!

Hi again @bensmith916!

When an idea gathers 50 +Votes in 3 months, we start monitoring it more closely and encourage users to vote on it by giving it the status Good Suggestion. When it reaches 180 +Votes in 6 months, we'll do our best to send the idea for review to the internal teams at Spotify for a potential implementation. It's important to Subscribe to the idea so you're notified whenever there are any updates on the matter.


You can read more on how ideas work here.


Let us know if there's anything else we can help you out with.


Take care!

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To anyone still encountering this problem - I made a firefox plugin which overrides spotify's limit of 200.

For example, on this user's playlists the last one that shows up is Shapey - but with my plugin installed you'll see the actual last playlist of Zulich

I know it's not the greatest solution having to use a browser and all, but hopefully someone finds it useful.  If you install the addon and it doesn't work like you expect, please let me know

Thank you so much for your effort, olsonpm! I currently have more than 700 public playlists but Spotify makes it really hard to find most of them, even for my followers. I will recommend your plugin to them until Spotify finally lifts the limit of 200, which  guarantees a bad user experience since it is mentioned nowhere in the UI. As for the mobile app I would even call it a bug to label a button with "Show all 748 playlists" and then only show a maximum of 200, with no option to load the rest of them. Therefore I've created a new idea here. Please take your users' perspective and fix this bug instead of calling it "expected behaviour", Spotify!

Has the Premium limit for Profile Playlists been changed to 20?

I just noticed the same , what the **bleep** : a limit of 20 public playlists !!! this must be a bug i hope !


As of yesterday i noticed that the limit is now set to 20 instead of 200. Is this a bug or a new policy of spotify? Can you have a look into that, please. I really hope this is a bug .


As of yesterday i noticed that the limit is now set to 20 instead of 200. Is this a bug or a new policy of spotify? Can you have a look into that, please. I really hope this is a bug .

My Followers only see 20 of my Public Playlists. Please fix that Spotify.

I am seeing the same issue..20 public playlists. Honestly worth cancelling over if this is the new policy. Fix this now, Spotify.

I also noticed my curated playlists (Discover Weekly/Release Radar/etc) are no longer showing up on my public profile.

Just noticed this myself, I'm going to file a bug report

edit: here's the topic I created.  I'm sure votes would help expose the issue

Please reconsider the default public profile limit of 200.

Hey just another spotify user here that loves making playlists I just hit 247 and I noticed that only 200 show up on my profile Ik this has been going on for a while now but I'd love it if spotify would reconsider raising the limit of how many playlists you can show on ur profile.

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