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Spotify has therefore removed the ability for one or more of your playlists to be available publicly

Spotify has therefore removed the ability for one or more of your playlists to be available publicly

Hello everybody,


I have tried customer service three times. The first time I was assured that the problem will be resolved soon (and is being escalated), but sadly nothing happened.


The second and third times I was told they don't know and to try support email. I tried a few times but I always got back the same email in broken English and they never reply to any follow-up so I don't really know what else to do.


Last time writing to customer support I was told to try to reply to the no-reply Spotify email which to no surprise didn't work. So I am (helpfully understandably) frustrated and I don't really know where to turn now.


My issue:


I have now gotten three emails saying "It has come to Spotify’s attention that your account has engaged in unauthorized use of the Spotify service in violation of the Terms. Spotify has therefore removed the ability for one or more of your playlists to be available publicly."


Me and my friends have been doing these playlists for over three years and I am certain there is nothing "unauthorized" about them at all. Two of these were really small with only a few listeners, only the last one was somewhat bigger with maybe 100 listeners per month.


Is there anyone else I could write to who can actually help me?


Thank you in advance! 

103 Replies



Sucede que de un dia para otro mi playlist que tiene mas seguidores dejo de ser publica. Es decir yo pudeo ver mi playlist, e incluso dice que esta en modo publico y tambien añadido a mi perfil. el problema es que los seguidores de la playlist la han dejado de ver. Les sale que esta "privada" mi playlist. Lo extaño es que yo no hice nada. He compartido a amigos el link directamente y simplemente lesa sale que yo la puse en privado!.


Por favor ayudenme!!!!


See screenshot. Can anyone give me any guidance of what I did wrong to deserve my playlist to be taken down by Spotify after two years of curation? Is this some standard punishment they deliver when you pass 1000 followers just to show you who's the boss? I don't understand any of this.

When I ask customer support agents about this, they all quickly copy paste some auto reply and then close the case and hide under the carpet. What's going on here?




Ambient Stories.png

Hi everyone,


Sorry to hear this has happened to you.


It's possible that the playlist has been flagged for suspected artificial streaming. Check if you've received any emails about this - you'll be able to find more information on the matter there.


The Community is always here if there's anything else you need assistance with.


Take care.

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Hi Yordan thanks for your answer.  I was checking out my email and I haven t got any mail from spotify. I ckecked the spam too.  How can show that my playlist is running without artificial bots or something? I need my playlist back :(. what can I do?

oof that's tough.  I'd hate that too.  thumbs up

OKAY, i got this email:


"It has come to Spotify’s attention that your account has engaged in unauthorized use of the Spotify service in violation of the Terms. Spotify has therefore removed the ability for one or more of your playlists to be available publicly."


I have worked a lot on my playlist... hours, days, months. I put my heart on this! I am a playlister but a musician and artist too. I like to help "obscure" artists to get some traffic trough my playlists.  Now My mainly playlist is down.


I have talked with client support trough facebook, twitter and everything the answer is " search for a email on your spam mail and I got it... my playlist was suspended.


there is no reason, this is injustice for me and all the artists in th playlist.  I want my playlist back.  Why my playlist was take it down?  I suppose some bad people report the playlist and the system is easy to cheat.  SO bad people is making false report because the envy or hate. 


how much time do I have to wait? am I going to get my playlist back?  I have fear about the rest of my playlists I feel totally helpless in this system against this bad peopple there 😞 and spotify is not doing so much...


Thanks, man. Yeah... I'm kinda devastated by this now. Then again there are far worse things in life, I'll survive this. 😜

Hey @Milkiyami,


Thanks for the reply.


We are unable to give you more information on the playlist at this point. You can create a new playlist though.


Hope this clears things a bit,



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I would like to know what I made wong. I didn t do anything and I was punished. I think the sytem is a bit despot. tirany and injustice. I put my heart on my playlist and it cost 2 years to get there!.  And we can not do nothing with this IA  sytem based.  we are totally helpless.  

Today other of my playlists was getting down!!!  And It was my secong bigger one!. I m getting the idea. I got punished for talk about the first one.  WHY?????? Since  my  first playlist was taken down I have been very careful and looking my  stats and nothing stranges has happened.... so why you are doing all my playlist private??? what I have done to deserve this!!. It is injusti

Hi. I just experienced the same exact problem 😞 Did you managed to resolve this issue? Last couple of hours I contacted a lot of curators and artists and almost everyone has this issue. It just seems soooo unfair as it seems that all it takes to ban a playlist is a user report that in 99% cases is fabricated just to hurt a curator 😞

Spotify needs to do something about that ASAP!

I received an email that states this:


By creating and using your Spotify account, you have entered into a binding agreement with Spotify and acknowledged that you have read, understood, accepted and agreed to be bound by the Spotify Terms and Conditions of Use (the “Terms”).

It has come to Spotify’s attention that your account has engaged in unauthorized use of the Spotify service in violation of the Terms. Spotify has therefore removed the ability for one or more of your playlists to be available publicly.

Spotify reserves all rights under the Terms, the Agreements and applicable law.

Kind regards,



When I contacted support 2 times, the answer was always this:


We have no further information on why your playlist got banned. We can only refer you back to the forwarded email as to why it had happened.


When I wrote twice, that I would like the case to be forwarded to the escalations team, they stopped responding.


This is very frustrating. When I contacted other curators and artists I know, most of them are experiencing or have experienced similar issue and no-one got any help from Spotify. I did not violate any rules:


- I am the only one who uses the account.

- Profile photo is free to use.

- The description is not violating anything.

- I don't do payola in any way.

- I don't pay for artificial streams or followers.

- I don't "fake" followers or streams in any way.

- I can proof everything.


It seems that some people just reporting playlists when they feel "threatened" by it, if their playlists got outperformed by another. So they just report that playlist because it seems that all it takes to get a playlist banned by Spotify is to report it for no reason at all, with no evidence, no proof, nothing.


And Spotify doesn't communicate with the side that was damaged? I have to say that this is outrageous. I am a professional playlist curator and influencer and it seems all it takes to ruin my entire work is to make a fake report...


We have to solve this!

I have 6 public playlists and now I have only 3 public. I got 2 mails very strange: 


The second says:


Maybe someone is using my account to do things... But I have 3 playlits down right now.  And Spotify won´t help you. 



Same here, I've reached out to support about 10 times without any reply. Chat isn't helpful either. Neither is @spotifycares on twitter. If this a broad takedown of suspicious or bot behaviour its killing off smaller curators as well as we rely on friends and family for engagement. I've even heard of curators with just 3 listeners per month being taken down. For once a reply would be cool.

Hey MihailY & @Lyubka


I've had this happen to me as well. My playlist, which was only followed by my friends, has been made private by Spotify because I've apparently violated the t'c & c's. I contacted help but they won't tell me what I've apparently violated and said I'll receive an email. No email. 

It's no use saying check your email when you don't get one and the support person you speak to says 'I can't tell you what you've done you'll have to wait for the email'.  Why can we not be told. Is it that you don't like the name? The artists on the list? Someone reported it falsely? I've heard there are playlisting companies (artists pay to get on their list and they shouldn't be allowed) out there that report playlists that look like they will be competition. All we want to know is what Spotify think we've done that's so bad and give us back out playlists.


Could you come back and tell me more about this please because it's quite frustrating like @Milkiyami said.

Hi folks,

Thanks for your posts.


We understand that this might be frustrating, but we can't tell you more or give you further information about this, simply because we don't have access to such personal account information as forum moderators.


The emails from Spotify you've received should contain an explanation why this has happened to your playlists and what steps you can take next, if possible.



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Yeah I've had the same thing happen. Chat said refer to the email for information. I said to the chat it gives no details whatsoever, can they advise what was done wrong otherwise how would I know to not do it again in the future? They said refer to the email for all information. I wouldn't mind quite as much if they actually gave some information on what the issue was rather than a paragraph that's beyond vague.

@Alex how much time a playlist is suspended?? I have my playlists yet I mean they weren t deleted by spotify. I want to know how much time spotify apply this punishment for their users. Thanks

No. Nobody ever got back to me. I don't think the external support can do anything about it and there is no internal support. It's probably all just automatic to save money. 

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