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im so sorry i hate the new liked songs button so bad

im so sorry i hate the new liked songs button so bad

like i actually despise it cus 

it was perfect before and

 sure people said that id get used to it over time and i did .. i still hated it but i got used to it ... until this new change ...

I will press the + button by the song title to add it to a playlist

 the next new song that i press the + button on , intending to add it to my liked songs , goes into the playlist i added the last song into as opposed to my liked songs

i truly think that whoever signed off on this idea was not in their right mind at that moment and this must be reversed as well as the heart returning instead of the + immediately

 thank you

54 Replies




United States



iPhone 11

Operating System

iOS 16.1.1


My Question or Issue

When I am playing a song and I press the new plus button, it automatically adds the song to the playlist I most recently added a song to. For example, if I add a song to a playlist, pressing the plus button for a different song will automatically add this different song to that same playlist, even if I don't want it to. This causes me to have to go into that playlist and remove it manually every time I want to like a song. I imagine that the intended feature is to add the song to the liked songs playlist when you press the plus button. For context, my phone is on it's most recent update and my Spotify app is on the most recent update.


On another post on this forum, someone else had a similar problem. Here is a link to that thread:


On this thread, a moderator / Spotify representative (I'm not really sure what their credentials are) advised them to downsize their liked songs playlist. They said: "Keep in mind that having large playlists can have an impact on the app's performance. To avoid this, we suggest splitting your large playlists into smaller ones (including Liked songs) to ensure an optimal performance." This does not feel like a good solution to this problem. So you just are not allowed to have many songs in your liked songs playlist? And what is the specific threshold for how many songs you can have in this liked songs playlist before the app breaks? 


Another solution the Spotify representative offered was to simply delete their account and make a new one... ??? This is not a reasonable solution at all?? Why should it be on the user's responsibility to create a new account, make sure the new one works how it's supposed to, and willingly lose their listening data that they have accumulated on that account. Their suggestion reads: "If everything works well there, you can cancel your subscription on your current account and then transfer your content to the new one. Afterwards, you'll be able to close the old account to avoid any future mix-ups. If you decide to do this, you will lose your listening history. "


Both of these solutions seem very unreasonable and I simply want a real solution that does not require me to either: spend the time to parse through my liked songs playlist and adding it to smaller playlists; or to: delete my account and try again??

I understand that bugs can occur, but I have been having these problems for several months now and it has been extremely frustrating to deal with, especially when this plus button was not needed in the first place. The app was working just fine with the original heart/like button that Spotify had before. I love Spotify and have been using it for 8+ years, but I feel like I'm forced to switch platforms if this bug does not get resolved.


I am writing to express my profound disappointment and frustration as a long-standing premium client with a Family subscription to Spotify. Over the past few months, I have encountered persistent issues with the Spotify app that have not only hindered my user experience but have also put at risk the extensive music library I have meticulously curated over the last decade. The recent hike in subscription prices, coupled with the deteriorating functionality of the app, has left me questioning the value and reliability of the service I have been loyal to for years. I understand that technical glitches are inevitable, but the lack of a concrete solution and the absence of timely support has only added to my dismay.


Having perused various online forums, it has come to my attention that I am not alone in facing these issues. Many other Spotify users have reported similar problems, and it is disheartening to see that there has been no satisfactory resolution or even a clear acknowledgment from the Spotify team. The essence of Spotify has always been centered around user-generated playlists and the ability to build a musical journey over time. However, the current state of the app is rendering this fundamental aspect obsolete. It seems that the platform is straying from its roots, and this is not the experience I signed up for when I initially chose Spotify over other streaming services.


I appreciate the efforts of your support team in attempting to address the concerns raised by users, but the responses thus far have been insufficient. Excuses and assumptions do not provide a tangible solution to the problem at hand, and as a paying customer, I find myself cornered without a clear path forward. I implore the Spotify team to prioritize the resolution of these issues and provide a comprehensive and lasting fix to the app's functionality. Furthermore, as a loyal premium client, I expect a level of service that aligns with the increased subscription fees. It is disconcerting to see resources invested in new features while the core functionality is compromised.


I genuinely hope that this communication catalyzes urgent action and that the Spotify team addresses these concerns promptly. I remain hopeful that the service will return to the reliable and innovative platform it once was.

I’m also sorry because I hate it. Over time, I still hate it. It adds songs to playlists that are nowhere near the same genre as the playlist. Like Frank Sinatra’s come fly with me in my Christmas Song playlist as well as other non Christmas music.  All of the suggestions added to my playlist are songs already in my library   If I wanted it in my playlist I’d have added when I created the playlist. STUPID idea. 

I have the same "+" button as "poopgeeg", I have Android 12 on a Nokia 5.3 device. It looks the same in Android Auto's Spotify. It's awful. The first time I was like "where did the like button go?", then I realized it become "+". Is this a joke? Seriously?

I'm a premium Spotify user since ~5 years.



I have Spotify mobile version:

I echo @klashotto. This new "Add to Playlist" function also now makes it impossible to view songs we've "Liked" in playlists. I have a main playlist that I add songs new songs to that I want to start listening to, and then eventually I'll Like them if I actually end up liking the song a lot.  But now I can't tell which songs I've Liked and which songs I haven't Liked unless I click on the checkmark for every single song.  Super annoying...

Epic facepalm Spotify. Way to take something that was working just fine that people rely on and make it harder to use.  😞

Having the same issue. Plusing a song adds it to the last added playlist when I just want to like the song

Would be awesome if Spotify devs just added a (+) to add songs to specific areas and a 💚 for actual liked/loved songs. You can pay me l8r.






(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016)

Operating System

(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.)


My Question or Issue

The Add To Playlist has a functional flaw, unless it was intended this way... When you add a song to a playlist other than your general likes, the a "add to playlist" button keeps adding it to the playlist you most recently added a song to. This also goes for podcasts not getting added to the "your episodes" playlist.


Songs need to be added to the likes at default 100% of the time. If you need the song added to another playlist then you can click the add button twice.


Hi @itsmetommyve,


Welcome to the Community!


So we can get a better understanding of the situation, it'd be great if you could send over some screenshots showing how the app looks like from your end. You can attach them to your next response by using the Insert image option in the post editor, just make sure not to send any private info.


You could also include the exact Spotify-version you're using on the different devices.


We'll be on the lookout for your response 🙂

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It only lets me add two screen shots but yeah. When I add a song to the liked playlist, and then add it to another... the like function does not default to add to the Likes, it keeps adding songs/podcasts to the last playlist you added to.416406584_919572616271412_1387430032405759895_n.jpg415123020_1053917465890397_6476232427913657662_n.jpg

Thanks for the screenshots, @itsmetommyve!


Just like you mentioned, songs are added to the Liked Songs playlist by default, but if you'd like to add a song to another playlist then you can click the add button twice. This is how the app should behave and if you tap twice then Spotify will ask you which other playlist you want to add the song to as well.


It's also worth mentioning that you can sort the playlists in order to choose which ones are shown. 


We're here if you have any other questions 🙂

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That's not what I'm saying. It initially adds the songs to the Liked Songs, but if the last playlist I added songs to was not my likes, then it sets that new playlist as the default playlist it adds songs to.

Hey folks, 


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. 


Just to confirm, are you still experiencing this? If so, could you provide us with the following details?


  • The make, model and OS version of your device.
  • Your current Spotify version.
  • Troubleshooting steps you've tried so far.
  • Screenshots or a video of the issue happing, if possible.

We'd like to investigate this further.


We'll be on the lookout for your replies. 

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“Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.”– Maria von Trapp

I’m not sure why they’re sending you through this wild goose chase talking about cache and all that. The issue is just due to the new feature Spotify added. Apparently they think it’s more convenient. You have to press the plus button to add it to your last playlist and press again to edit if you want to add it to a different playlist. And as far as your “liked songs” playlist, you have to manually search for it when you double tap the plus button.

It appears that you may not be familiar with the core issue. I recommend starting from the beginning of this thread to gain a better understanding of the situation and to identify where the error lies. We have a clear understanding of the basic functionalities of Spotify. @ivelina

I have already provided the necessary information in this thread. Please begin from the start, and you will find all the requested details. 

Spotify L 

Hey everyone,


Our tech folks are often testing and launching improvements to the app. This means you might occasionally see something your friend doesn’t, or get a new feature to try temporarily.

Your feedback on this is important, so thanks for sharing it here - we appreciate it.

The Community is always here if something else comes up.

Take care.

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So real. I do not get it. Why would it not always default to Liked Songs? When I miss the switch up and end up adding songs to playlists I never intended to add them to, it just frustrates me. I want all songs to automatically add to my Liked Songs if I hit the + button — I can specifically add to a different playlist on my own. I don’t need the app to change the default for the + button to whichever playlist I last added a song to.  

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