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“Appears On” feature gone


“Appears On” feature gone

Can someone explain what is happening? I’m a growing artist and I have a featured artist on a song, but it’s not getting a lot of plays because the “appears on” feature is wiped! I’m sure this is disabling listeners and artists. Spotify please bring this back. This is insane!!

180 Replies

Great idea.
Tough finding older versions of Spotify if you're technically challenged,
i.e., over 50 years old!

Spotify is useless now,  bring it back or u lose your customers! 


We can akso leave a feedback 1 star on apple store or Google Play And complain about that

I just did it

Will change when appears are back! 

This may not be a useful workaround for others, but I have decided to use the web version of Spotify if I wish to display the Appears On segment. However, it does not have folders, so it is not a complete solution.

I continue to be mystified by these changes by Spotify, since in each instance they have degraded the functionality of the service.

I totally agree that the "Appears On" feature needs to be brought back. I also listen to a lot of musical theatre and classical music, and it's so much harder to find songs by my favorite artists since the change. The loss of "Appears On" makes the entire Spotify experience a lot worse.

This is so debilitating to the hip hop and EDM communities... why on earth would you get rid of it? It shouldn’t be considered a “feature” that can be removed. It’s an absolute integral part of music.

Just a reminder to everyone on this thread to go vote here to try and bring it back! 🙂 It needs to reach at least 500 votes before Spotify reviews it

Bring it back!!!!

Very disappointed in Spotify for removing this featured considering I am featured on a decent amount of songs, I want all of my work to be showcased on my profile, my homie recently released a whole tape with me featured on it and no one will will be able to know about it through my profile. Very bad move whoever decided this was a good idea , if it doesn’t return I will be switching to a new service considering Apple still has this feature 

The stupidity of Spotify developers uncovered by this change in functionality is staggering.  It's either stupidity or a crass attitude of "we now better than you" and will choose the music we will allow you to find. 


Streaming used to be great since you could, in effect, create your own radio channel.  Now services like Spotify have become drunk with their own power to "curate" the platform and narrow down your ability to find and compile your own listening library.


I never listen to a playlist Spotify informs me that I like.  I make my own. 

Seems likely that the removal of the Appears On feature had something to do with this:  Scammers are gaming Spotify by faking collaborations with famous artists


So they have a bigger problem to solve, but instead of tackling that, they're taking away this feature so celebrity artists won't threaten to bounce when rando collabs appear in their Appears On sections....

I used the 'Appears On' section to find compilations that would lead me to find more artists I would like.
Also it helped find more albums by a specific indie label.

I guess in the meantime, I'll have to go hunting on Discogs for the title of any compilations then go back to Spotify to search for them there.

Shouldn't this be a feature in Premium, at least?

Its like trying to do brain surgery with a nuclear bomb....



I rolled my eyes so hard I got whiplash! Spotify is a joke.

iPhone 8 / iOS 13.5.1

Ver. 8.5.60


”Appears On” section has been gone for about two months. Please bring it back.

Dear Spotify:

It boggles the mind that removing useful features is somehow considered okay by Spotify's product management team. There are many people whose enjoyment of Spotify depends on seeing what their favorite artists are doing, who they are working with. This is just one reason why "Appears On" is a valuable feature for customers. This is especially interesting to people now during the pandemic.


Removing valuable features... this sort of boneheaded decision makes all those "come work for Spotify" tech pieces... look like nonsense. Why would someone want to work for Spotify? "Come work with us... because we have no clue and don't care about our customers!!!".


I've been a Spotify customer for long enough to remember that the old clients are still miles better than the pondering obesity of the current client. The refresh time for long playlists... that haven't changed and should be cached... is hopeless. It's just indicative of bad programming. There seems to be little to no forward progress on Spotify as a music service. This worries me. The competition is not sleeping. Amazon never sleeps. Spotify cannot afford doing dumb things.


Why can't I come and post something good? Ask yourselves that. A thousands times. The forums are littered with complaints because Spotify doesn't listen. Or maybe just doesn't care. This is very disappointing. I can only hope that the first quarter where a competitor has more market share will be a wake-up call. If Spotify doesn't wake up, they will not survive in the long term.

Thank you for your time,


This feature was literally how I discovered some of my favorite songs over the past few years. I can think of at least 10 that I never would have known about at all if I didn't have the ability to see tracks that artists were featured on, not just their solo work. For hip hop, an artist's features often vastly outnumber their own solo releases. How can you possibly justify making those tracks invisible, which leads to less music played and less engagement with the platform? If this is a misguided effort to force people to listen to your own playlists to randomly "discover" artists' featured tracks, it's not going to happen. Spotify playlists are terrible and seem to all be curated by 20 year old kids without a wide or deep knowledge of music, beyond obvious top 40 hits. Many of their choices are baffling, others are just plain stupid. I'll stick to making my own playlists, thanks.

Please clarify: is the "appears on" feature coming back? If not, then for me it's the last straw and I will be cancelling my subscription. I've been a paid subscriber since 2015, but I've had it with useful features being removed with no warning and for no discernible reason. Most apps add features, not take them away. When I first signed up I was amazed by how well put-together the app seemed and how easy it was to browse and discover new artists, but it gets progressively more difficult every year. I'm sick of paying for this every month.

I'm extremely disappointed that this section was tossed to the wayside. It's a core component in your client's ability to find ancillary music by artists that would otherwise remain, to all intents and purposes, hidden. It has been key to my ability to find new music and is an important reason why I am a customer.

Please let us know what Spotify management's thinking is on the "Appears On" feature and whether it will return in the future!

I have sung the praises of Spotify to friends and family for years. I would hate to have to renege on that recommendation. For the present it appears I will need to start reviewing alternate music service plans.

Hi Peter,


I appreciate you looking into this problem.

I look forward to when the Appears On function is restored.


Thank you

i’m also having that issue. The ‘appears on’ section is completely gone

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