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Artist Page on Mobile

Artist Page on Mobile

I can't understand why clicking on an artist doesn't show you all their songs like it does on desktop version, but rather sends you to their online page. This doesn't make any sense, as you aren't able to access songs you've downloaded if you don't have internet connection, and it moreover, it prevents you from simply listening to all the songs from the artist that you've saved/liked. Even worse, this function changes with every other update! What's the deal?


PS: it's entirely too difficult to submit anything to Spotify support. This process has taken way too much time.

1 Reply

Hey @styro,


Thanks for reaching out to us about this!


This is an issue which we're aware of and currently looking into.


Make sure to head over to this Ongoing Issue thread - we'll make sure to keep you posted there with any updates as soon as we have them.



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