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Auto play is not working

Auto play is not working







iphone 11

Operating System

iOS 13.7


My Question or Issue

My Autoplay is not working when I search a song, no follow up / similar songs will play. I've tried the autoplay button in settings, turning my phone on and off, clearing cache and re-downloading the app as well as checking for an update.



45 Replies

Hi there,


I'm having the same issue—Autoplay stopped working seemingly out of nowhere.

Here's what worked for me (although, it's only a temporary fix, as this is clearly a bug Spotify needs to address):

While a song is playing on your device (NOT via AirPlay, Bluetooth, or Google Cast), press the "pause" button, then navigate to "Settings" from the "Home" tab". Go to "Playback" and toggle the "Autoplay" switch off then on. Reopen your song, then hit the next button several times.

Repeat this process until the player advances to a new song based on your first selection.

For me, this worked for a period of time, but I have to keep doing it intermittently, which is definitely annoying.

Here's hoping for a more permanent fix!






(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016)

Operating System

(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.)


My Question or Issue

At some point recently (might be IOS 14) autoplay has stopped working properly. When I search for a song and choose it in results, autoplay will not play any songs but playing stops after selected song. However if I return to search results and select the song again autoplay magically almost always works. HOrrible and tedious.

Hey there @Sheephead77


Thanks for posting - we’re here to help!


If the Autoplay feature doesn't act as expected it's good idea to clean reinstall Spotify on the device where this occurs. This step lets you start afresh with the latest app version by removing any corrupted files from previous installations. 


In case you see no difference after that, try disabling any power saving or data cleaning settings on your mobile device. Alternatively, you can try authorizing Spotify to run without restrictions despite the mentioned settings being enabled. Make sure you try this since such features can often prevent the app from operating at full capacity.


Keep us posted! We'll be here if you have any questions.  



This might actually have solved the problem, thx.

Hey folks,


Thanks for reaching out to us. This sounds odd and we'll do our best to help you out.


We'd suggest you give these steps a go and run a clean reinstall. By doing that you can make sure the app is up-to-date and the cache is not causing this issue.


If that doesn't help, it's a good idea to try logging in to your account on another device. Does the issue persist? That way we can check if it's an account or a device-related issue.


Keep us in the loop! If you have questions, we are here for you.

Ver Moderator
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Hi, Ver.


Thank you for this suggestion. I've just done a clean reinstall of the app (where I'd previously tired just a Quick reinstall) and will report back in the issue persists.

I'm having the same issue, any news about this ???

I think it’s working as intended when playing a search result. 

I though it should work even when we try to listen to some playlist too.

The OP is talking about auto play not working if a song from search result is played. 

Autoplay on Spotify does not work period. I don’t like to come off as a sarcastic pita. But I dropped Apple Music for Spotify. And never had I had to do a clean reinstall, or anything else to make auto play on Apple Music work, it just did. A fixable solution, would be appreciated, thank you

INdeed, the problem is back for me now. Most of the times when I select a song from the search results autoplay does not play until I go back to the search results and reselect/restart the same song.

Hey @Sheephead77,


Thanks for keeping us in the loop.


We're sorry to hear you're still experiencing this issue. Since a clean reinstall solved it last time, it seem that there may be something interfering with the apps cache. Could you let us know if you have any cache clearing or battery optimization apps and if you do - add Spotify as an exception? Keep in mind that even if you haven't downloaded any such apps yourself, some devices have them preinstalled. 


Once this is done, performing a clean reinstall once more should resolve the issue.


Keep us posted on how it goes. We're always one reply away.

Mihail Moderator
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No such apps or anything. This probem started on my iPhone suddenly, only recent new nachge was iOS update to 14

A clean reinstall seems to fix the problem, only for it to return quite quickly.

Hey @Sheephead77,


Thanks for your post.


We appreciate your report about this behavior and passed it along to the right folks at out developer team. We can't say if and when exactly this will be fixed, but we recommend that you always keep the app up to date with the latest version. That way you'll make use of all features and fixes, as soon as they are made available.


Hope this info is useful. Let us know if there's anything else we can help with.

Mihail Moderator
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Same here, I did the reinstall more than once. My guess, it’s a bug with the app. Hopefully Spotify has a fix soon. 


For me, autoplay works on Android not doesn’t work on iOS. 

Hey folks,


Thanks for reaching out to us 🙂


We'd suggest you restart your phone and then to log out and log back in again. If that doesn't do the trick, you can try these steps and run a clean reinstall. That way you can make sure the cache is not leading to any issues.


Does the issue persist when you try with another account? 


You can also send us a screen recording of what you're seeing. We'll investigate this further.


Let us know how it goes. If you have questions, you know where to find us.

Ver Moderator
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