Hey folks! We're aware of some playlists issues . More info can be found here.

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Available Offline Switch Keeps Turning Off


Available Offline Switch Keeps Turning Off

I am trying to make a playlist Available Offline on my iPhone, which I have done in the past and never had any issues. Every time I flip the switch, it does not start downloading the music and instead flips the switch back off. I have not reached my limit of offline songs; I have tried it both with a wifi connection as well as with data. I'd really like to go offline for a road trip today, so I'm hoping someone will have an answer for me.




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Hi there and welcome to the community,


Could you try doing a full reinstallation of the app, including removing your local cache/data files.

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4 Replies
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Hi there and welcome to the community,


Could you try doing a full reinstallation of the app, including removing your local cache/data files.

What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one? | Twitter

Backstage Intro - Meet Jordi!
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Okay, I did that, and now the whole playlist is gone. It's like I never created it.

Disregard my last reply. I found the playlist, but it's still not working. Could it be because I made the playlist on a desktop and am trying to make it Offline on my phone?

Well now it is working. I made it Available Offline on the desktop, then it allowed me to do the same on my phone. Strange. Thanks!

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