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Completely closing/stopping a song on Spotify

Completely closing/stopping a song on Spotify




United Kingdom


iPhone 11 Pro

Operating System

iOS latest


My Question or Issue

This is infuriating to Google because everything I find is the reverse of my issue. On the Spotify app on my iPhone the only option is to pause a song, which locks the state of Spotify inside the app. This is most of the time a useful feature, but I want to be able to have the option to completely close and stop a song and remove the visual clutter of the now playing bar at the bottom of the screen when I am not actually playing something. If I lock the iPhone, I also get a big banner which suggests I am still listening to something when I am not. I dunno, I just find this super annoying it seems to be glued there permanently. Is there really no way to fully close this? 

10 Replies

Hey @Pizzamorg, thanks for reaching out to the Community!

Can you possibly send me a screenshot of where you're seeing this so I can see what to suggest? I think I know what you're referring to but I just want to be accurate with my answer. 


Looking out for your reply! 

Billy-JSpotify Star
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Instead of saying I think I know the answer just give the Flippin answer and ask if that works, it is easier for the person to follow up on. Anyways I will be rating spotify a 1 star, honestly I would rate lower if I could for how trash it is. I recommend youtube for Playlist. Granted some videos you cant play while scrolling around on other apps which is the only downside, however spotify doesn't even have such songs. Not to mention spotify gets the wrong songs when I click on the song I want to hear it plays me another song that I dont want to hear aka I want to listen to say Adele sky fall it plays Adele rolling in the deep and won't even let me listen to sky fall or acknowledge the song even exists within the app. Btw this is an example not sure if it is across all songs but the song I was looking for was not Adele. Anyways I too am unable to close or stop a song completely which is annoying 

Your talking alot but not thinking about what you're saying

I'm having the same problem could you please tell me the answer on how to fix it

Hi there @Logan44444,


Thanks for the post.


Currently there is no way to hide the Now playing view and the progress bar, as the app will always try to load the previous song/ podcast you played, so that you can resume listening.


If you feel like there is not enough space on your device's screen, you can try going into the phone settings and adjusting the font size for the app or your device as a whole, until you find a UI element sizing that feels comfortable.


Hope this helps.

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Sorry but this isn't a solution. I've been using yt music for 2-3 years and I've been able to do this since forever. I try Spotify premium from time to time just to give it a chance but it seems they don't care about simple stuff like this so thanks but I'm sticking with yt

this is also driving me absolutely nuts. I just want to close the song, not have it perpetually on pause. I'm forever accidentally hitting play. Sometimes you want to use spotify on a TV and you don't always want whatever you last had on displayed for all to see or start automatically playing

Okay so this is a bit of a roundabout way to go about it, but it’s pretty easy and consistently works. If you have any artists you’ve told Spotify not to play, simply look them up and click on a random song from that artist. Because Spotify has been told not to play that artist and just clicking on a random song in search overrides whatever playlist you’re listening to, it’ll automatically stop playing whatever is currently playing and the song bar at the bottom will disappear with it!


Hope I could help!!

It worked! Thank you so much

This is super annoying for me as well, I hate this gui

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