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I'm a premium user. But I still get ads?

I'm a premium user. But I still get ads?

I am a confirmed premium user but I'm still getting ads.
148 Replies

This is ridiculous,  after years of being on spotify premium I'm getting ads in my podcasts. These are not from the influencer, those plugs are there as well, but from spotify. I don't care what you say or do to justify why this is a thing. We pay extra to avoid this and I've read all the other people's comments on this matter and they're all within their right to be upset.  We pay for a product and you're not delivering.  If this isn't rectified soon you'll lose me as a client to YouTube music as they're serious about the no ads policy and I'm sure I'm not the only one.  




Are the ads before podcasts placed by the host or by spotify because I don't understand why I would be getting ads when paying for the premium service to avoid ads.

They stop the current podcast and interject themselves, having its own dry dedicated 15 sec time stream. It's separate from what you're currently listening to. Which again is in ridiculous. 

I just signed up for Premium yesterday, but I’m still getting advertising when I only have music ( not podcasts) WHY?

Spotify is simply lying.  It’s not the podcast creators adding ads, it’s Spotify. Listening to a us podcast and get ads for local businesses in sweden. 

@spotify stop this for premium customers. 

Same problem here. I have been a premium customer for many years and started getting non sense ads on my podcasts. Nothing related to the podcast or something. This is fraud!! 

Same here Listening to critcal role c3e55

And there only have ads before the show and it all english but i get ads in the middle on danish i'm prenium and then i play it on alexa aka amazon smart speaker no ads an the epsiode is like clearly short there then i use my phone

Please stop ads for paid subscriptions. We pay so we don't get ads.

I’m a premium user, but I still get ads while I’m listening to podcasts. This wasn’t happening until two days ago. The ad is not host read because the podcast is in English and the ads are from Turkey, which is where I am at.

Another user checking in to say that he and his daughter are seriously unimpressed at having ads inserted into podcasts on our premium family account which I specifically paid for to avoid having to listen to adverts. You're as bad as paid streaming video services who have the nerve to offer a **bleep**'s choice for some content between making an additional payment on top of the subscription fee, or watching it with adverts. Let me guess - your next genius move will be to offer a PremiumExtreme membership to do away with podcast ads for "only" at extra 30% a month. Then what? Exclusive paid bolt-on "channels" for access to "even more" content?


I look forward with little hope to hearing a cogent response.

It seems to be a feature and not a bug

I am having the same issue. I have been listening to Dateline podcasts for months on my premium account. Yesterday there were no commercials and today, it's every few minutes. What is going on?

Hello! I have the Premiun subscription, but I've noticed that lately, I've been having promotional adds while listening to podcasts on Spotify app.  I'm currently traveling in a different country from where I bought the account. Is this normal? I thought that one of the biggest advantages of buying the premium account it was to get rid of the annoying adds.

This just happened to me. I listen to the sherlock Holmes audiobook almost nightly to make it easier to sleep. As of tonight I'm getting loud ads before each episode - it's not like podcasts that will have ads embedded into them. It's a loud ad. Why am I paying $11 for ad-free content if it's going to have ads anyways? 

I do get adverts in my podcasts but theyre for local companies in Canada not where the podcast is from, which is in the UK. Surely this means that Spotify are serving these adverts

I converted to Spotify Premium but still get ads. I’ve restarted 2-3 times.   Any solutions ??? 




I contacted the live chat they have. they say those ads don't come from Spotify but they need more details to solve that issue. So if it also happens to you please do the same and report to them.


We pay for premium to get NO ads WHATSOEVER.

When I listen to a downloaded podcast I do NOT want to listen to an ad before hearing the show.

These ads are from my region and in my language so they aren't from the podcaster him/herself

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