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Issues with Old Iphone 4s

Issues with Old Iphone 4s






(iPhone 4S)



Hello All,

I try to use my old Iphone 4S for my daughter.

I have subscribed a familly account

I have installed the App to the device and logged in with the account of my daughter

When I launch spotify I can see the existing playlist (I am connected to my wifi)

When I try to download the songs for offline use, the app says that it is offline (not connected)

At this moment the spotify app is totaly freezed

And worse af all, the device is no longer able to connect to internet (I cannot use safari or youtube anymore). The only solution is to restart the device.


As anyone experienced the same trouble ? 





4 Replies

Hi there!

I know it sounds simple, but it's often overlooked. Could you try restarting your device? If that doesn't help, try a quick clean reinstall of the app. Just follow these steps. I'd also suggest resetting your phone's network settings by going into Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings, as well as checking this support article about Spotify's system requirements 🙂

If you're still having trouble, could you let me know the exact version of Spotify and the exact version of the operating system you're running?

I'll see what I can suggest next!

Hi, thank you for your Help

I have tried all the solution you said but the problem stil occurs. As I read some other topics about this problem, I have tried to share my connection with my own Iphone 6s and it works fine. But it cannot be a long term solution.

Do you know this problem ?

My spotify release is

My IOS release is 9.3.5


Hope there is a solution


Hey @Kouss.


Thanks for getting back to us.


We don't support certain older phone models anymore. You can find the system requirements for Spotify here.


In some cases the app might work on older models, but we can't guarantee it will.


Sorry! Let us know if you have further questions.


Have a nice day!



Thats strange .... iam using my old 32gb Iphone 4 as ipod and have downloaded all my playlists for offline and it works fine .....


Premium Account

Iphone 4

Ios 7

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