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Itunes has The Marshal Mathers LP2 available for Pre Release Streaming now, is there any plans to pre-stream it on Spotify too? The Sound Quality of the Pre-Stream on Itunes doesn't even compare to Spotifys stream quality. If theres no plans is it going to be released on November 5 on spotify with the official album release?

2 Replies

Hey @nate1109 🙂 


Spotify make content available to us as soon as they get it from the record labels.

This means they are in control of when content becomes available (and where too) so normally its completely out of Spotify's hands unless its a "Spotify Exclusive" album or something out of the ordinary. 


Annoyingly in a small number of circumstances you will find content appears on Spotify some time after it was a released, as some labels delay releases on streaming sites in order to push up album sales. 




Edit: Spelling

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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I stayed up all night just to get mmlp2 on spotify. Whats the point of paying ten bucks a month if you wont even give us a estimate ofhow long it will take to get a album. I understand that you have to get right and etc. but come on really, not even an estimate.


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