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Playlist stops

Playlist stops

My starred tracks are downloaded onto my iPhone and I often listen to this while driving. The playlist often just STOPS when a song finishes and wont play the next one. I can open the phone and press the Next button to get it to the next song (Or the shuffle button again), and it often works for several songs before doing this again. I'm having a pretty big issue with this because I can't just grab my phone and press buttons on it while I'm driving. Does anyone know what's going on here?

5 Replies

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂 


That is definitely strange, I know its a pain but could you try all of the steps in the iOS troubleshooting guide and see if it still happens? 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Okay, so here's what I did: I uninstalled and reinstalled the app. At the same time, I unsynced my playlist on the computer and resynced it. I reset my phone completely. I listened to my playlist in my car and it still happens.


I looked up other posts about this, but it seems that everyone else has issues with this happening for streaming. My songs aren't being streamed - I downloaded them to be available for offline play.


I'll be happy to provide iOS version, etc. if needed.

Does this still happen if you force the app into offline mode from the settings menu? 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Yes it does. I'm guessing now that it might be certain songs that do it, as I've noticed the problem on one song for certain. It'll hit the end and NEVER go to the next song. I'm looking at the info on the song to see if it's got any weird data in there but I don't see anything. I am thinking though that no matter why, this seems like a bug. 😞

I am having a similar problem with downloaded playlists and the radio.  I posted this in response to another message, but I'm going to post it several places in hopes of getting a response.


The problem is on my iPhone.  It might play one song from a Radio station when I have not used it for a day.  After that one song, it will not play any music from a radio station.  With a downloaded songlist, it will stop a song about 1:30 into it; I cannot restart that song but it will play the next song if I hit the "fast forward" button. The next song stops about 1:30 into it, too. I have played four songs in a row from a songlist and the same thing happens every time.


I tried reinstalling the Spotify app two times. Once before deleting history and cookies on Safari and once after. (The deletion of the history and cookies was recommended on one of the solution pages.)

I have tried it with WiFi and 3G. I have the same problem with both. My desktop version was using the same WiFi that I had a problem with the iPhone, but it had no problems.



My iPad/iPhone model   iPhone 4S

Device’s Operating System:  6.1.3 (10B329

Is your device jailbroken? No

Approximately how many playlists do you have?:  10 playlists.  Two are downloaded.  

My mobile Spotify version:

My provider and country: Verizon, USA


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