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Podcast sort order default

Podcast sort order default

PLEASE can you create a DEFAULT sort order for podcasts? Just like ABOUT EVERYONE I need to…

1/ Select “sort”

2/ Select “unplayed”

3/ Select “sort” AGAIN

4/ Select “Order: Oldest to Newest”

5/ Select the episode at the top


…FOR EVERY **bleep** PODCAST!!!


Just adding the option to REMEMBER what is basically the sorting order EVERYONE prefers would be LOGICAL and save me 30 seconds of fiddling 5 times a day 🙄


Why doesn’t it save my Podcast Preference?








(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016)

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18 Replies

Hey @Duckrabbit


Thanks for getting in touch about this here in the Community. 


We understand where you're coming from and we appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback with us. We'll make sure to pass it onto the right team, as we always strive to improve your experience.

On another note, it seems that other users feel the way you do and posted this idea. Despite its current status, you can still add your vote to it and if anything changes in the future, we'll make sure to keep everyone updated over there.

The Idea Exchange is a great way for us to see what our users are interested in and how many people like a certain idea. 


Check out this Spotify Answer to learn more about it. 


If you need a hand with anything else, the Community is here for you. 

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“Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.”– Maria von Trapp

I really hope that Spotify isn't waiting for enough people to come and like these topics to prioritize them. Spotify is incredibly unpopular as a Podcatcher, despite the incredible potential to integrate audio  formats into mixed media audio... collages. There's so much that could be done, but it won't get attention until it's worth using. I have found so many people asking for literally the basics of a bare bones Podcatcher in the past few days... I'm starting to assume whatever question I'm here looking for the answer to is going to be "here's a similar topic that we haven't done anything about". I assume that's because things are prioritized based on the audience you *have* instead of the audiences you *could have*. There is no one who is active this forum who isn't already using your product. It looks like people who regularly listen to podcasts just don't use spotify to do it. If any decisions about prioritizing features are made based on the activity on this forum, it'll never improve, and that's sad. There's so much potential, and the models for the basic building blocks are already out there. The wheel doesn't need reinvented, but the vehicle for audio y'all could make with your already sophisticated (albeit often frustrating and cluttered) UI for desktops and mobile devices is missing a wheel. A few maybe, but there's so much that's good that's already here. 


Right now, I really want to like Spotify for podcasts, but I don't. I just followed all my regular podcasts this week, assuming that I'd be able to easily create playlists that semi-automatically blends together today's new episodes of a few podcasts with some songs selected from another source (another playlist, my liked songs, an album).

There is already a feature to "enhance a playlist" but there is no feature to select a source from which to enhance. 

There is a feature to make a playlist, and there are automatically updated randomized playlists like "Daily Mix 1" and "Morning Drive", even "Blends", but there is not a feature (that I found) to create an automatically updated "feed" of audio media bits that pass multiple filters. **bleep**, you can't even filter by multiple parameters right now. That alone would improve the podcast experience drastically. 


This is only one example of things that I assumed would be simple in spotify, based on my previous experience, that aren't possible. The basic building blocks of a halfway usable podcatcher aren't there, and I've read in a bunch of places how the company announced over a year ago that they were going to be pushing podcasts... And I've seen it. And people are complaining about it. Not because it's not a great direction to go, but because podcast listeners don't use spotify. And those that try just find that out it's missing some of the necessary pieces that make a podcatcher functional. If you push podcasts without making these improvements, user satisfaction overall will go down, because people who already listen to podcasts won't switch, and people who don't already listen to podcasts aren't going to start when their introduction to the media is such a mess. So there won't be any progress, spotify will  look at the data and see that podcasts just aren't really working out, and may push it even further back in the priorities to improve the basic interface... But I really hope that there's a whole group of excited people on a committee who are strategizing this multimedia audio platform with a well supported subcommittee who are making sure that podcast listeners can do things like "create a feed" and "remember last played position".  I hope that I will be able to more fully integrate all my ear time activities. I kinda hope that it'll be spotify, but I won't be upset if it isn't. Maybe I just haven't tried the audio platform that meets my expectations, but when I do, that platform will get a huge portion of my weekly attention. 

Any movement on this? It shouldn’t take long to implement, surely? It gives me the impression that very few staff at Spotify use the app, as this is a very annoying feature.

Another thing, is it really necessary to send me SIX emails regarding that post?

Please Spotify do something about it having to sort my podcast EVERY SINGLE TIME I want to find the right episode in the correct order is the bane of my existence (and other’s apparently)

those that give simply find that a shot missing a portion of the essential pieces makes a podcatcher useful. In the event that you push digital broadcasts without making these upgrades, client fulfillment generally will go down, since individuals who as of now pay attention to webcasts won't switch, and individuals who don't as of now pay attention to web recordings won't begin when first experience with the media is such a wreck.

It's a simple request:

  • Play the episodes in the order that they're released
  • Don't play episodes already played

I'm confused as to why this isn't the default, since podcasts come in episodes, sometimes even seasons.  No one watches a TV series starting with the most recent episode and then working their way back to the first episode, except once in a while jump back to the newest episode when it's released to then just jump back in time and continue backwards.


I want an option to sort by podcast episode length! This one podcast people I like to listen to has different times from 20-1 hour to Ann 1 and 25 mins... And if I'm sort on time going somewhere listening, I want to sort it by lowest time to longest. 

Agreed!  I just moved from another podcast app because I just got a premium Spotify account and suddenly the sort options are not useful.  I need to sort my podcasts according to the order that I added them, oldest first.  Period!  No option for that!  I would also like an option to re-order my podcasts.  Never understood why people didn't like the free Google Podcast app, and I especially miss it now that simple sort/re-order options are absent from the Spotify app.  Furthermore, I see an option to add a podcast to my "queue," but... where is my queue?  Once I find it I hope that it's sortable/re-orderable as previously described.  I'm about ready to go back to my old app and cancel my premium Spotify plan since I'm not getting some basic features.

I have had Spotify for many years, and I’ve now stopped using us for listing to podcasts simply because Apple Podcast can sort my podcasts in order of oldest to newest whereas Spotify can not. This is the ONLY reason I’ve switched to listening on Apple. Fix this ONE thing, and I’ll be back to using Spotify for podcasts. 

I decided to try Spotify for my podcasts with the imminent death of the Google Podcast app and WHAT THE **bleep**? WHY ARE YOU PLAYING MY PODCASTS NEWEST TO OLDEST?

One finishes and instead of playing the next oldest from my queue you play the newest. This is the most basic requirement of a podcast app, if you can't play podcasts in date order you don't have a podcast app. This is a trivial fix (why yes, I am a software developer) so for the love of God sort it out, in the meantime I need a new podcast app.

Since free Google Podcasts will be discontinued, I jumped over to my PAID Spotify account for podcasts just to find out about this nonsense. I will be using another app for podcasts due to this. Looks like the Spotify devs or product owners are not podcast listeners to be missing such a no brainer feature.

Following up on my comment above, I've learned podcasts can be sorted in the following ways: Recents and Recently Added (sorted so similarly that I am not entirely sure what the diff is between these two options), Alphabetical (by show name), Creator (publisher), and Recently Updated.  You cannot reverse the order of any of these sorting options.  There is a "New Episodes" folder.  It's a good start.  It's like a queue, but there's no way to sort the order so that, for example, the oldest appears first or alphabetically in reverse order.  It's simply last in, first out (LIFO), which is not the order I want to listen to my shows.  Same with episodes that you add to "Your Episodes."  Once you add the episode, it immediately goes to the top of the list, not the bottom, and there are no automatic or manual sorting options.  The only way to manually sort a custom list of episodes is to first add an episode to your "queue" (two clicks), open the currently queued title to get to the "queue" icon in the lower right-hand corner (two more clicks; and now you know how to find your queue), then use the handles on the right to sort the queue order manually.  This series of button clicks isn't entirely intuitive, but once you get used to navigating the horrible UI you'll begin to map out and find your way through the nuances.  BTW, there's a quick and easy function to clear the queue.  In fact, too easy.  Just touch the "Clear queue" function and everything will be instantly wiped out without a chance to confirm.  That's right, folks, if the UI/UX isn't already frustrating enough, it's a sure way to get you mad when you've inadvertently touched this hotspot in the app.  Argh!  But is there a way to clear your "Your Episodes" folder?  Sure... one title at a time, and it takes three button clicks until every single title is removed from the folder.  Very inconsistent, and if I didn't say it before, it's the worst UI/UX.  BTW, did I mention the UI/UX sucks?  I don't even see the point of "Your Episodes" except that you can use it like a "listen later" folder.  If I could simply play from the "New Episodes" folder in last in/last out (LILO) order, or from my queue in LILO order, which I can still customize.  But why have both?  It would be so much better if the "New/Your Episodes" folder *is* the queue. 🤔 🤷‍ 🤦‍


Please, Spotify, please take note of these things and improve the UI/UX.

The situation is even worst with "Your Episodes" (Tus Episodios in Spanish), the list made automatically by Spotify. It is obvious that the developer who designed this list never used a podcast app. How in the **bleep** do you design a one click listing system in which you include the podcast episodes you want to listen by newest to older? So the olders are condemned to be listened NEVER! Spotify is the only app to do the think in the opposite way the rest is doing and even it doesn't let you order that list by olders to newest... 

While using android auto, some podcasts are sorted by "oldest". Other podcasts are sorted by "new". It seems like the number of episodes decides how they're sorted.

An example is a podcast, which have 48 episodes so far. This is sorted by "oldest". I can't even go to the bottom, and select the newest episode, it stops around 30-ish episodes.
Another podcast with much more episodes are sorted by new, which makes it really, really easy to select the newest episode.
Both podcasts are on app and web browser sorted by "new".

The whole idea with Spotify on Android Auto, is so i can use Spotify, without taking my phone out of my pocket.

Wish you'd make it intuitive and easy, not stupid like now.

I don't understand why this is so hard. How many years have people been complaining about this very obvious issue, and nothing has been done about it? The thing is, this would be such a simple thing to fix - yet they haven't fixed it. 


Can't use this app while driving because I would need to keep stopping to manually play the next episode in sequence (something that the software developers at Spotify can't seem to figure out how to do).

It’s 2025 and the app still loses my sort/play order on podcasts. 

Sad to see that not only am I the only one with this issue, but that Spotify are doing absolutely nothing about it despite multiple complaints.

Prior to the last update, if I set the podcast to unplayed, it would remain on unplayed, now it constantly defaults back to all episodes, and if I change it to unplayed, it starts playing the one before the current episode instead of going forwards on the unplayed.

Absolutely idiotic.

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