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I just received a new card and had to update the info on Spotify. When I try to get Spotify Premium back, it says I must login to Facebook to cOnfirm purchase. When I do that it takes me back to the page that says "Get Premium". So frustrating. Help...Info updated, I just want Premium!
3 Replies

Hi ive glt exactly same fault so anoting have you managed to fix yours ? Ive rmailed them but. Nothing back yet 😞

Hi guys,

I've just had a look into your accounts, and it looks like your payment details have saved nicely. You both just need to restart your subscriptions to get that Premium going again.

You can do so from here:

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Did that fix the problem cause I'm having a similar problem except when it goes to the FB page I'm already logged in but I submit my info anyway and it says there's a problem w my FB username and password. Sooo I changed my password and deleted my cookies just in case AND SAME THING 😞 What else should I do? Oh and my account is all up to date...Thank you!!

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