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Release Notes - Spotify for iOS 0.9.1

Release Notes - Spotify for iOS 0.9.1

iOS Release Notes
What's new in version 0.9.1
  • New: Browse is now on iPad as well as iPhone (replacing What’s New). Find a playlist for everything. Music to eat tacos to, anyone?
  • New: Follow friends and artists to see their playlists and releases (soon available to all iPhone users).
  • New: The secret/public toggle for playlists is now on iPhone as well as iPad.
  • Improved: Smarter, more responsive searching (soon available to all iPhone users).
  • Improved: A simpler, more streamlined sign up and login for iPhone and iPad.
  • Improved: A shiny new look for playlists (soon available to all iPhone users).
  • Fixed: A pesky bug when sharing to Twitter/email/SMS from iPhone.
  • Fictitious: This app will increase your good karma.

#iOS #0.9.1 #ReleaseNotes
Important to note
  • When reporting issues, always mention what version of the Spotify app you're using
Community Ergo Sum
38 Replies

Can confirm new playlist view is back with the Shuffle button where it should be! 🙂 

Couldn't help but notice there is a space below the cover artwork where playlist descriptions (for playlists from Browse) appear. Is this a sign of something to come I wonder!?


Browse on iPad is finally here, so happy! Although Discover (which came out far before Browse) would still be nice! 

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Yay! Playlist length is now on iPhone! Would be nice on iPad as well! 😃
MattSudaSpotify Star
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The new playlsit view doesn't respond smoothly to the back swipe gesture in my iphone- anyone else?

What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?

Yay! Love the various playlist sorting order possibilites on the iPad. 

Hey, what is the "secret/public toogle for playlists" about? I'm on iphone and I can't see any difference....

Also, the possibility to get playlists results in iphone when seatrhing (as on ipad) is finally there for all users? If it so, where?

This update of Spotify broke Spotify Connect on the iPhone for me. I can no longer see the list of available devices on the iPhone.


Clicking on the Spotify Connect symbol just displays "Connect is a Premium feature that lets you play and control...", but no devices. On the iPad I can still see all devices, including the iPhone and play back from any device including the iPhone. Also, if I on the iPad choose iPad as the playback device, then the iPhone shows the message that playback is from the iPad, and selecting a new song on the iPhone plays it back on the iPad. I just can't seem to get the list of devices to be displayed on the iPhone which means I'm bound to using the iPad for control.


Any help appreciated (I'm holding off on updating the iPad for now, not to loose connect altogether), any yes, I have already rebooted, logged out and back in, etc.


iPhone 5s: iOS 7.0.4, Spotify

iPad (3rd gen): iOS 7.0.4, Spotify

Pioneer VSX-923 with latest firmware also shows up on iPad but not on iPhone.


Update: Ok, apparently I did not try everethng. Reistalling the app on the iPhone fixed the problem.

Hey, what is the "secret/public toogle for playlists" about? I'm on iphone and I can't see any difference....


From playlist view, press the "..." in the top right corner should be on that menu.

Also, the possibility to get playlists results in iphone when seatrhing (as on ipad) is finally there for all users? If it so, where?


"soon available to all iPhone users" can confirm I don't yet have this either. 

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Any word on the play queue function?  Really wish they didn't act like they didn't even announce that.  The other improvements are very nice, but being able to see the play queue is huge.

Thanks Peter

Did someone already see the "iphone search playlist functionality", since it's something announced one mont ago and being rolled out (it seems) to some users?

Danc27, I have the playlist view functionality since long... It's a really nice feature, although I miss some functionality (as being able to add to the queue, so altering the play order, from that same screen)

Top 10 tracks disappeared for me and my friends when I updated yesterday. Is it supposed to be that way? I miss them 😞

@wahey wrote:
Top 10 tracks disappeared for me and my friends when I updated yesterday. Is it supposed to be that way? I miss them 😞

Pretty sure Top Tracks are being removed on all platforms (they have been missing on desktop for a while) due to them being inaccurate.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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@danc27 wrote:

Any word on the play queue function?  Really wish they didn't act like they didn't even announce that.  The other improvements are very nice, but being able to see the play queue is huge.

I think it's still coming soon

MattSudaSpotify Star
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@Peter wrote:

@wahey wrote:
Top 10 tracks disappeared for me and my friends when I updated yesterday. Is it supposed to be that way? I miss them 😞

Pretty sure Top Tracks are being removed on all platforms (they have been missing on desktop for a while) due to them being inaccurate.

I'm pretty sure it will come back eventually after they fix it 

MattSudaSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

Anyone know what the deal is with "Follow friends and artists to see their playlists and releases" .

Anyone know how you follow an artist or friend natively from iPad please?

I had the same problem. Tried resetting all devices, router and speaker. Nothing helped.


What sorted it out for me was a total reinstall of Spotify on my iPhone.

spotify dont work on my Iphone 4s

@UknownPerson wrote:

spotify dont work on my Iphone 4s

What happens when you try and use the app? 

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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With 0.9.1, the song meta-data is incorrectly being sent to my cars head unit. It shows only the 1st song it plays in spotify and does not change when song changes or even a playlist change. The previous spotify version had no issues with meta-data being sent.

Okay, this was supposed to be a one star review on the App Store but for some reason I can't post it. The iOS app seems to be getting lots of updates but features that are important to me are removed and useless stuff is added. I have a 4th gen iPod Touch with iOS 6.1.5 and it shouldn't be completely obsolete yet. Sorry if I seem angry below, but I was when I wrote it.

Why did you remove the option to search through the library when offline?! I have an iPod Touch and can't be constantly connected to wifi because I move about durig the day. I have tons of playlists. Do you really expect me to search through them all for specific songs? You also decided to add an old bug, the one that cuts the first second of every song. Great. Ever heard of "if it ain't broke don't fix it"? I've been a loyal spotify premium user for over 2 years but since you seem focused on removing features in iOS and barely updating the Android app I guess I'll be switching to another streaming service soon unless you start listening to your users.

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