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Songs wont play

Songs wont play

So before I was able to play these songs in my phone and now I can’t they won’t work used to just let me play them it I wasn’t on WiFi now it won’t play at all none of the songs will and I don’t know why if I could have some help that would be nice. I have premium I have a iPhone X.

5 Replies

Hey @Devblessent, and welcome to the community.

Hope you're doing great! 

I know it sounds simple, but it's often overlooked. Could you try restarting your device? If that doesn't help, try a quick clean reinstall of the app. Just follow these steps.

If you're still having trouble, could you let me know the exact version of Spotify and the exact version of the operating system you're running?


Let me know how you get on 🙂 

Billy-JSpotify Star
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It still doesn’t play my Spotify version is the newiest and my iOS is 12.1



Sorry to hear that didn't work. Could you send me a screenshot of any error messages being shown? Also, could you try using a different network connection? 


Keep me posted 🙂 

Billy-JSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

It still not working nothing is working.?.



Thanks for getting back to me 🙂 

Could you try logging in using a different account to see if the same problem keeps happening?

I look forward to your reply.

Billy-JSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

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