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Syn with ipod nano?!

Syn with ipod nano?!

I tried to sync my ipod nano with spotify. But evertytime I try spotify on my mac syncs local files. Not the offline available Playlists.


Is this right?


So why I could spotify with the ipod if i can´t sync songs with it.

4 Replies


Spotify is only able to sync local files to iPod Nano, Shuffle and Classic devices. With iPod Touch and iPhone's, you are able to install the Spotify application and are able to sync offline playlists from the Spotify catalog.
Airhorn Enthusiast

WOW! I wish Spotify would have prompted this information before I completely wiped my Ipod Nano and now have absolutly no music! this is very disapointing... Will there be an update to allow this...

Syncing of Spotify online content to an iPod without the Spotify app is not a plausible feature due to the fact that the Spotify app is required to decode the tracks downloaded from Spotify. If it was possible to take those track outside of the Spotify ecosystem, Spotify would have no way to prevent piracy and make sure artists are fairly compensated for all their track plays.



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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Thanks James, I guess I understand now I just wish I was prompted with this specfic to the Ipod I connected that I could not use my Spotify account with it... Instead of prompting me to erase it for no reason... it should be clearly stated that only the APP will allow you to listen offline As now have no music I have collected of multiple computers...

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