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any idea how to block podcasts? .

any idea how to block podcasts? .

any idea how can we block podcasts that we don't want to hear? Like how we block certain artists. I am intending to curb my"addiction" to certain podcasts by permanently blocking them. Thanks!


48 Replies

Is there any plan to introduce this functionality? 

I keep getting this trashy podcast I have no interest in "Daily Pedestrian", it's trashy garbage I don't want to listen to but I can't block it or remove it.

Hi there folks,


Thank you for your replies and feedback.


We understand that things can feel frustrating when things don't work as you'd like them to. Rest assured that we're always trying to improve as we always strive to improve our features.


For now we suggest that you follow the steps in the Top Answer and head over to the ideas bellow and leave a +VOTE and Subscribe to the ideas for any updates regarding this:

Note: A Not Right Now status comes after the idea has reached the correct teams and for transparency we've put that status. It's not impossible to get it in the future, but we cannot make any promises.


We hope for your understanding and that you continue using Spotify and find it gets better in the future.


Once again - thanks for the feedback, we appreciate it. Let us know if we can help you with anything else. 


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Hope this info is useful.? What do think?, there is no dam solution in it. Waste of time you are.

This needs to be implemented immediately.  It is recommending Joe Rogan and this fool should be removed from the platform but spotify is too greedy to stop misinformation about covid 19.  If spotify refuses to block his content certainly I should be able to stop this from my feed!  

Spotify are being very tone deaf at the moment, I have explicit playback turned off and yet almost all of their podcast recommendations have E on them. I am wondering how many customers they have to lose before they start listening. Also, an option to turn off podcasts appearing on the home screen completely would help.

i really need this, im guessing its a bug because ive never listened to any podcast on spotify and everytime i search ANY letter the first result to come up is a podcast with a really inappropriate name and a cover with nudity. any way to report this podcast or block it from showing up just like you can hide songs? i want this off my spotify.

I don't understand. Why, for example, do you link the first "idea requesting similar feature" when there's been no progress on the idea for almost 3 full years and when you certainly aren't planning on implementing anything similar in the near future, if ever? What's the point?

Why are there no options to customize the feed to our liking?
A simple list to untick whatever we don't want would save you from all this mess.
It's been nearly 3 years and nothing has been done. Podcasts are still in my face constantly!!!

Why are there no options to customize the feed to our liking?
A simple list to untick whatever we don't want would save you from all this mess.
It's been nearly 3 years and nothing has been done. Podcasts are still in my face constantly!!!

Thank you so much!! This solved my problem.

I set an option to exclude explicit content but "The **bleep** Podcast by Leeza Mangadaldas" is still shown on "Shows to try" This iPad is sometimes used by my children.

Never listen to any podcast on that topic so I don't know why it suggests that channel to me.

I have never followed any of the podcasts that are getting suggested to me. Call Her Daddy? Joe Rogan? SHANE FREAKING DAWSON?? Are you kidding me, I'm honestly upset I'm getting suggested such questionable things. Seems to be an easy solution, just add a block feature, similar to how users can block artists. 

Even if that would work, it still wouldn't fix the issue of non-explicit podcasts showing up in the Daily Drive playlist even when they are of no use, interest or whatever for the person this playlist is supposedly catered for...

We have this for the 'discover' playlists for music. Why is this not yet a feature for podcasts?

Very sick of seeing "Chris-Chan: A Complete History" on my home page every time I start up spotify (which is increasingly infrequent). Then again, expecting Spotify to do anything that makes the user experience better is probably too much to ask.

This is so unbearably boring, in every release radar i get one episode of this one podcast, week by week i mark it with "not interested, do not show again" and you can bet on it that a new episode will be in my next release radar, i do not listen to or follow any podcasts so a functioning fix would be nice. specially after this topic has been going on for two years (!)

Please spotify, stop suggesting irrelevant podcasts on my dashboard screen and add an option to block specific podcasts or creators.

Recently I was trying to find a new podcast. Spotify recommended one so I listened to one episode I decided J don’t like it and tried to avoid it. But now Spotify has begun playing this podcast as a recommendation and I would like to not have it suggested anymore.

It is really frustrating that there is no way to block podcasts. A podcast is being recommended to me that I do not follow and the content is personally upsetting to me, I really don't like seeing it every time I open the app especially when I never followed the podcast in the first place.


It is driving me crazy that the suggestion to add blocking specific suggestions was closed for "not enough support" despite having over 600 votes. Content blocking should be a basic feature of any app, it really shouldn't depend on the number of votes, but it is clear that a lot of people want this feature. Not only that, but you currently can't even submit any new ideas.


It's things like this that make me wonder why I'm paying for this service when I get hit with upsetting content every time I open the app and I am essentially told that my feedback doesn't matter.

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