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on my android phone ( samsung galaxy s5) SPOTIFY app , -settings-category DEVICES, connect to a device: listen a nd contol a different device ie install SPOTIFY on desktop, remotely change listening from android to desktop, or back to android device. 

this feature DOES NOT SHOW ON MY IPHONE 6+ SPOTIFY  APP.In iphone app- settings- there is ACCOUNT, PLAYBACK, SOCIAL, STREAMING QUALITY, NOTIFICATIONS, ABOUT. ALSO , the design of the IPHONE SPOTTIFY APP, is much different, (worse) than the android SPOTIFY app. With new continuous updates releasing on SPOTIFY app in , IPHONE apptore, the next update should include ability to connect remotely from iphone to:other device ie computer, tv( once SPOTIFY is installed on those devices.)i find it quite useful , switching from my ANDROID PHONE SPOTIFY app to computer, and back again. 

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