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Hi, why have you not implemented 2fa yet? There was just an attempt at stealing my premium account, and looking through your site i see that this issue has been raised before, but you haven't done anything.

Why do you not have a security measure that was standard ten years ago, and when will you be adding it? And if it is somewhere, why is it so hidden that i cannot find it?


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Hey @gmrgod.


Thanks for the reply!

As mentioned in my last reply, there is already a Live Idea on this that is under consideration. I would appreciate your patience as well.


Also, the link I provided in my last reply has some great info as to why this happens and what you can do to prevent it.


Have a nice day.

Billy-JSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

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9 Replies

Hey @gmrgod, and welcome to the community.

Hope you're doing great! 


There is currently a Live Idea about 2FA here. I'd recommend checking that out, and '+VOTE' for it.


There was just an attempt at stealing my premium account, and looking through your site i see that this issue has been raised before, but you haven't done anything. 

- Sorry to hear that you think someone has gained access to your account. I'd recommend checking out this support article for more info and the next steps to take. That page will also answer some of your questions on account security.


I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions 🙂 

Billy-JSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

That doesn't help for the very reason i pointed out  - it's been a topic before, but nothing is *happening*. And that's straight up unacceptable.

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Hey @gmrgod.


Thanks for the reply!

As mentioned in my last reply, there is already a Live Idea on this that is under consideration. I would appreciate your patience as well.


Also, the link I provided in my last reply has some great info as to why this happens and what you can do to prevent it.


Have a nice day.

Billy-JSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

I can't believe this isn't a thing still. As of today my account has been stolen twice now, each time having a fairly complex password. What's even worse than no 2FA is that they just let someone change your account email with no verification if they can guess your password... come on Spotify, put in some actual effort in the account security department. If my account gets hacked again because of your lax security, I will be switching to another music service.

same here, i have had my account used no less than thrice by someone
else. it's absurd.

I hate to add in on this, but it is pretty sad there's no 2FA after over four years time that the thread was made for 2FA. If you go on the deep web to the markets, you'll find people selling premium Spotify accounts with helpful tips to lessen the likelyhood that the owner will notice. This is the number one music platform and the most hacked music platform. VRChat added 2FA in a short amount of time this year, which is saying a lot. I'm guessing nothing is being done because more money is being made somehow🤷‍♀️. There's not even spellcheck on this website haha. If they thought it was a good business move to add in 2FA they would, but somehow it's a better business move not to. Even though adding 2FA would be another step up against music competitors, make hacks almost non-existant to people with it on their account thus cutting your team's work to a fraction of a fraction on this topic and focusing on other aspects of their job instead, etc. It's whatever though. Consider this my two cents and nothing more because I made an absurd password and don't have a premium account 🤣 

I also had just the problem that another person from anywhere had accessed my account and controlled it remotely. I logged out every device and changed my password immediatly. I am very disappointed that 2FA is still not a thing for this huge provider. I saw that the post with the voting was made in 2015 and the last update was in 2018, and still nothing has changed, which just raises the disappointment.


Additionally, I am also disappointed in the lack of features regarding security in which you can see devices which logged in one's account. Every App I know has this feature where you can see that device X with IP Y has accessed the account at date and time Z. It's not available at all here. If this feature were to be implemented, the already mentioned problem with being hacked because of people selling tips on the dark web wouldn't be so present.

Hey @Fonso1,


Thanks for tuning in here and adding your feedback! 


Like @ Billy-J said earlier, there's an existing Idea that is currently being voted on. You can contribute to it by adding your vote. Just click on the +VOTE button here.


We also encourage you to subscribe to get relevant updates about its development. You can do this by clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner, next to the title. 


Stay tuned 🙂

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How many hacks will it take to get Spotify to do the right thing and get 2FA implemented.  I k ow others who refuse to sign up due to the poor security.  I myself am thinking about leaving if I have to put up with this again. 

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