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Account hacked, botted. No ideas left.

Account hacked, botted. No ideas left.






Computer App

Operating System

 Windows 10


My Question or Issue

Hello somebody,
at first how do i contact the support (germany) for spotify?? This is really annoying.
I´m premium member since 4 years or something.

So heres the problem, when i start hearing music online, spotify changes after 3 seconds to a different song. It is always the same song but everyday its a new one.
I also had new playlists in my account and new favorite songs has been added.
I do have this problem on my PC and my mobile phone, everytime i go online.

What has I been doing?
I changed from FB login to normal.

I changed the password.

I kicked all devices logged in before in my settings.

I closed the browser spotify and deleted my browser history.

I deleted the app and installed it new.
I changed the FB password and again the devices password.


Hope that i didnt forget anything. So i hope to find here some support.

Thanks folks

1 Reply

Hey @Flinxy ,


Thanks for reaching out. Sorry to hear someone has gained access to your account.


I suggest you take a look at this article:, and make sure you follow all of its steps.

It has many suggestions to protect your account better and you'll be able to reach CS as you desire.


Let me know how you get on 🙂

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