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Account name

Account name

Hello. I just created account but it gave me this stupid name instead: efji79jtn9k620qxt4amy11o4. I was just finding my favourite artists for like 2 hours so I don't really want to create a new account and do it again. I even tried to create a new one but it still gave me those stupid numbers and letters! Now it's impossible for my friends etc. to find my account and I don't want to use Facebook name, I want to use my nickname. Can you change it for me please?



Czech Republic


Nokia 8, HP Omen Laptop, Desktop PC

Operating System

Android, Windows 10

4 Replies

Hey there!
We can't change that for you, but you can read this Spotify Support article about the ways you can change it:

Let me know if you've got any more questions!
Hope this helps, happy holidays 🙂

Hi @efji79jtn9k620q


To add to what @mosohodPeti linked, please check this ongoing issue


If that's something you're experiencing, make sure to add your +VOTE there and provide all the information needed. That way you'll be notified with all the future updates on that case. 

Hello, I have the same problem. Actually I had it twice since I tried to change the "letter-number" username that I was provided by deleting my account and it does not help - the second username was the same gibberish. 

How this issue could be solved? 

Hi @user-removed, 


Please, check this ongoing issue.

If that's something you're experiencing, make sure to add your +VOTE there and provide all the information needed, so the right folks can apply the necessary changes to your account.

That way you'll be also notified with all the future updates on that case. 


I hope it will be resolved for you soon!

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