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Can't get premium from Chile

Can't get premium from Chile

I've been having the same problem last 3 days. I have been trying to get spotify premium from chile with my credit card (Visa) but it always says that my credit card is not from the same country as where I registered. So, I sent a ticket a couple days ago and they answered saying that they were having some problems with payment in different countries but that now that problem was solved. So I tried again but still, I still have the same problem. I even deleted my account and created a new (Thinking that that maybe was the problem) but nothing.


Can somebody help me on this... 



11 Replies

Can somebody look at this?

Hi there @Fcobelmar21!

So sorry to hear you're experiencing some issues with trying to get Spotify Premium. I'm going to try and assist in getting someone to help resolve this issue with you...
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Hey @Fcobelmar21 -  last I heard this issue was fixed, but if you're still having problems, reply back to that support case saying that and our payments team will be able to try some regular troubleshooting. 


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Already did it

(I mean I already sent the message, the problem stills there)

Hi @Fcobelmar21


I just wanted to follow-up; were you able to get this situation resolved with the customer support agent?


Looking forward to reading your response, :).

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I found out what the problem was... Spotify doesn't accept virtual credit cards. So im not getting premium until Spotify adds new payment methods for Chile. Hopefully that will be soon. I hope that at least we get paypal...

Hi again!

That's interesting as I've used virtual credit cards in the past to pay for Spotify Premium...however, I am based in the US...
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Oh for real? Well thats weird..

Yeah, very strange indeed. I would keep trying to get in contact with the payments team, :).
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I will really appreciate that 🙂 Thanks!

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