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Can't log in

Can't log in

I've been having a problem logging in for the past few days, even though I am sure i am using the right password for my account. I've tried logging in with my username (which I've always done anyway), and also tried requesting a new password, but I don't receive an e-mail, no matter how many times i request it.  I've tried all of this on my phone, on my desktop app and also on the site and it just doesn't work. Regardless of what I do, it says error code 3, even though last week at that time I was absolutely able to log in with the same credentials. If I search for my account through a friend's account, I can find it, so it's still definitely in the system.


What can I do?

1 Reply

Hey there @bunnypm1,

thanks for posting !


I'd suggest starting with this help page as it contains all needed info on the issue you're having.


Let me know how it goes 😃

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