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Cant change payment options!

Cant change payment options!

Hey everyone! I started to get messages like "your payment failed". So i oppend the spotify wep page to get a quick look what was wrong. Its said "we couldnt finalize the payment - change the payment method/credit card info". Then i pressed that button to change it. But when it opend it loaded and loaded. The "update my payment options wasnt working. So then i deactived my premium subscription to activate it again. However same thing occured again. Credit card info didnt load up and the "begin spotift premium button" didnt work at all. I REALY will be happy if this problem is fixed in the future.


NOTE: I deleted cookies and tried it in a different browser. I also tried it in my phone. Didnt worked

1 Reply

Hey there @egesevinc!


I recommend reaching out to Spotify Support. They can be reached through their Twitter Handle @SpotifyCares, Facebook Page Spotify Cares, or through the online contact form.

If you submit the contact form instead of the Twitter or Facebook Message, make sure to check your inbox and junk folder for an email from Spotify.

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