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Cant play nightwish

Cant play nightwish






(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016)

Operating System

(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.)


My Question or Issue

My problem is, that I cant play nightwish.

I have premium spotify, and I can play all other bands and music normally, but nightwish doesnt work.

I have already reinstall spotify, but that didnt help, very weird.

Any ideas what to do?

13 Replies

The song/band may not be available in your country.

Not,because I already asked my friends, and they can play nightwish normally. This is very, very weird problem

Do you know how to delete cache and data. That might help. Also try playing it in here.

Tried link, but same problem.. what is delete cache and data?

It's the songs you downloaded, all settings you changed and login information.

Ok. How to do (delete) that?

Go to settings then apps, then find Spotify. And in there, there's option storage, click on it. You will see buttons delete cache and data.

Look at this topic

Didnt help...
Just called to my other friend, and everythings fine there(he can play nightwish).
I checked that I have payed normally this 10 euros to spotify, and as I said, I reinstalled spotify. Tried with my android phone and ipad, but no working. And, as I said all other stuff/music from spotify plays normally.
But thank you so much for trying to help

There are a few other things you can try. Change your location and use VPN to log in or download songs and you will have them under local files.

Problem solved. There were function ”dont play this” ON. It can be seen, when you go to artist page (nightwish in this case), in the right side and in the top,there are three dots, and under these dots you get this function.

I'm glad you solved it.
have a nice day

Same to you 🙂

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