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Charged after cancelling

Charged after cancelling

I was charged for my subscription after I cancelled. May I please have a refund? I do not wish to use Spotify anymore
2 Replies

Hey @9Hailey,


The first thing to do is check your email for a Confirmation Email. Each user receives one after cancelling their Spotify subscription.

MaximSpotify Star
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This is what I thought happened to me,  however it turns out my husband had 2 accounts as the family plan did not link his account and so we have been paying twice a month for 23 months! - They said we could have a refund in full and said it would be in our account in 3-5 days, what they have actually done is refunded 8 months and then have ignored 6 emails from us asking where the other 15 months refund is..... I have it in writing that this is what they were going to do and they have lied and failed NOT A HAPPY SPOTIFY USER hoping posting this may encurage them to reply!!!!

Disgusting customer service

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