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Charged twice per month


Charged twice per month

I have spotify in my I phone and am wondering how to get a hold of any customer service line because spotify has been charging my debit card 2 times a month and it should only be 1 time a moth!!!

493 Replies

Then I only have access to the radio function after logging in, correct?

You should be able to use radio and shuffle any artist catalogue or playlist.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Ok! My Problem is that I have always had Spotify premium and 2 day it change to regular Spotify?! I whan't to have Premium and why dose it not charge my creditcard? So I got in to and tried to Change it back to Premium and it only offered me "Free for 30 days" And I don't wan't that Bull**bleep** I want to pay and have good quality music and NO ads.

Help me Out with this and I will be really happy about it.

Best Regards a Long term user.!

It sounds like you are accessing a completely different account, are you definitely logging in using the correct details? 

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Hey! if this awenser was for me, are you kidding me I have my original account just help me BUY premium again.


@Mardox -- you just started a 30-day trial on an account created via Facebook. If you've been paying for a regular Premium subscription, you must have a second account on our system. If you don't know what email address/username it's under, get in touch with our support team here someone will get back to you as soon as they can. If you get an automated response, make sure to reply back to it directly.


For common support questions, see
To judge my musical taste, check out my

Hallo Adam! So if we can make it a lot simpler just take a way that 30 day "Free Trail" and put me up for billing the same amount 99kr for premium insisted. Why would I even Get asked to have free trail if I already have had premium for the last 3 years? What's up with that. I only know that I have my email for this accounts so if I have more accounts would just be unnecessary. My cousin ones borrowed my Account to put his music on Spotify and now it's his name up in the right corner and I can see that on facebook what I'm listening too, but it's throe his facebook notifications.


Best regards


If you're paying 99kr each month for Premium and you also have the account with the 30-day trial, you must have two accounts. If you don't know the login details for both accounts, get in touch with our payments team via the link above. They'll help track down the elusive account.


For common support questions, see
To judge my musical taste, check out my

So Help me Get my account back to normal with me as User and not my cousin. I know my original Acc name and Pass. I want one email address and one password, get it connected to My Facebook again aswell. Please make this happen. If you can't, send all my  Text msg to your higher support staff to check on it.

Best Regards Mardóx.

This isn't something we can help with via Community, I'm afraid. It's too much of a public forum.


But if you get in touch via our contact form here, you'll be able to get in touch with all of our specially-trained support staff.


For common support questions, see
To judge my musical taste, check out my

Hi There, 

I have an account and for some reason i had to restart my password, which is weird because i have had the same password for over 10 years. Keep in mind, I am paying for the premium package... And when i changed my password it still wouldn't let me to log in. I had to sign up as a new customer. All my music is gone. Then I looked and I can still see my "old account" on spotify. This doesn't make sense that they would give me a new account when i have one that is already existing?!? I really want my old account back please because I have all my music on it and its synced with my phone. 
Thank you! 

Can you paste a link to your old profile here @user-removed ?

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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 i am totaly PISSED OFF ! I have been a faithfull coustermerr a long yime. my criedit was ripped off. I was waiting to get the new card & they took my prieum right off my account!! Costmer service MY ASS.    Annette Mettomw

Normally when a payment fails @PUNKAREALLY , there is a few days grace when Spotify will retry the payment (depending on your payment method). You should have received an email as soon as the payment failed to let you know.


Its an awful situation to be in, I have had massive issues with my debit cards in the past but I have come to expect online services to cut me off as soon as I don't pay - that is just the way the world works these days. 

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Hello. I want a  spotify customer service contact number. My mom has been charged 20.00 ever month for service she doesnt even use. The last time she was even on spotify was a year ago and shes been charged everymonth and has a despute with her credit card but cant do anything about it!!!! Please help and telll me how i can give her a number so she can talk to you guys. Shes not reallly computer savy and I dont think she meant to sign up for premium. I dont pay for your service and im not complaining though the ads come on after every song now and i wish your ads would suggest music and stuff I actually liked.



Spotify doesn't offer telephone support but she can get in touch with the payment team using the contact form


If she gets an automated response directing her back to the community or to the help pages, she should reply to it directly to speed things along.

can someone please tell me why I cant get spotify premium as I have paid for it but it says I cant get it!!! I want to get the service I have paid for!!!!

it says 'sorry, this product is not available in this market'. well it was available yesterday?!?!?!

Are you trying to download the spotify app for a mobile device @jackstar3 ? Which country are you in and which device?

I already have the app on my phone and only today it has said this. I am in the uk

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