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Delete account, but keep playlists?

Delete account, but keep playlists?

Hi there!<br><br>I recently signed up for a contract with Vodafone, part of my contract means I get 24months of spotify premium included (yay!).<br>The problem is that I can't activate the 24 months as I've still got about 25ish days left on my current premium subscription. And to activate it I need to have no sub.<br>I either need to have all spotify premium completely removed from my account (and preferably refunded, I'm not even sure how you took the money as it was from a card that expired last month O.o) <br>Or for my account to be deleted, so everything is reset, but preferably to keep my playlists, as I loves them.<br>Not sure if any of this is possible, haha.<br><br>Thank you,<br>Ben.
4 Replies

Hmm, no idea why it's dropped all the symbols in there...
Hope you can still read it!

Hi @Xadel 


If you can wait 25 days for your premium is over, remove your banking details of your account and then activate your vodephone thing. If you cannot wait, then you'd have to create a new account i guess.

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Problem is that I think I've only got till the 10th of next month to activate it ;(
Any known way to migrate everything from one account to another?

Sounds stupid but i would create a new e-mail and active the vodafone thing on this second account and then when your current account has run out of premium, request a deletion and use your second account instead..


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