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Error with Spotify Family

Error with Spotify Family

So i got a message about i would lose my spotify family premium account after 5 days and after them 5 days i renewed it and now trying to invite all of my family back it says they are all already in a family...

Is there anyways i can get back my old list or get them all to leave that old spotify family? Still on the same account not sure why it made me have to reinvite them.

I have also got them all to log into their accounts and for all of them it says that they all are on Spotify Free currently so i dont understand why it wont let them join?

Spotify Error.png
1 Reply

Hi, @Joshawa!


Welcome to the Spotify Community, we're glad to see you're part of the band.

Don't worry, our Accounts team can take a closer look at this. You can get in touch with them from any of our social media help sites: @SpotifyCares on Twitter and Spotify Cares on Facebook. Just send them a private message with your account's email address and the email addresses of the members you'd like to invite to your plan.


You can also use our Contact Form to get email support

Don't hesitate to drop us a message if you need us again.

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