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I can no longer log in

I can no longer log in

I'm putting in my username and password correctly but it wont let me log in.

My user is batgirl19999 

5 Replies

Hey! Thanks for coming to the community for help 🙂

I’m sorry to hear you're having trouble. I recommend checking out this article for more info. This should help clear things up!


Hopefully this helps! (and if it does, marking this as a "solution" will make it easier for others with the same problem to find)

The link provided as the solution just goes to the regular Spotify help page, which doesn't answer the problem

Hi! I assume you are tyring to login in using your profile name and not your user name per se . batgirl19999  must be your profile name.  It’s not possible to log in with a profile name. User name is composed by a set of letters and numbers that was automatically gererated when you created your account.  You can login in either by user name or E-mail. Try login with your E-mail, and If you keep receiving error messages, reset your password through this link


I have done both the things you suggest and neither of them worked.
Strangely, I can log on on my iPhone and my laptop, just not on my iPod.

Hi! Check out if your iPod meets the following system requirement : 

. 5th generation iPod Touch or above

. iOS 9 or above. 100 MB free space


If yes, I would suggest you to :


- Re-instal your Spotify app. 

- Ask a  friend to try logging into your app with their username and passord.

-If it does not work->  then the issue might be related to your device and not with your account per se. Access and remove all your active offline devices


- Try to re-log in 

- If the error persists, try to attach a screen shot next time you get back on here 

 - If it works with your friend's account-> issue might be related your account. Created another account through this link then contact costumer service at and ask them to transfer your saved contents from your old to the new account  

- Good luck 😉 





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