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I've been hacked!!

I've been hacked!!

I am currently in a play-off war with my device and the hackers. He has changed E-Mail and password so anything I try will just be sent to him anyways. I just sent an e-Mail to customer service and they will ofcourse send answer to the e-Mail connected to the account, which is not mine anymore AS the hacker changed it. This is truly horrible customer service spotify! I've spent the last 30m trying to find a way to reach you without using my account and the only thing you have to offer is Twitter? What the actually **bleep** is that.... I've been a loyal customer for several years without any issue, but as soon as I need to contact you it's super difficult. Please help me.

4 Replies

I've also been hacked. Exactly the same situation. Tried to contact Spotify and no resonce. Does anyone have any advice as to what I can do? 

Hey Larsian95 and Cmulcahy!


I understand this is imperative so I'm gonna throw a few options at you in hopes that some of this works.


First, if your email account is tied to other accounts online (bank, Facebook, Twitter, etc) change the email for those. Also, if you are using the same (or a similar) password, I would change those. Eliminate the possibility that this person can get access to anything else.


Once you've done that, try to access Spotify and your email. If you are signed into both still, and therefore still have access, find the "sign out of all devices option". On desktop, follow these instructions. For your email, you will have to find the option to do so. You may be able to do this and request a password change.


Once you have done this try creating a temporary account and copying/pasting playlists into a new account so they are saved.


There isn't more you can do besides wait, after these. Twitter is an excellent way to reach Spotify, and so I would tweet at @Spotify, @SpotifyCares and @AskRockStars. Also, go to this page and follow the instructions.


I hope this gets solved, I hate to see this happen. Good luck!

Thank you wccomstock for the quick answer!

Now I am fully aware this is the best option you can give me and I thank you for that, but it is quite frankly a **bleep**e answer... You're basicly saying that there is Nothing to do but to contact Spotify through a single social media platform. Also, if I log out of all devices I am effectively logging myself out of my own account without being able to logg back in, without Facebook atleast. I'll contact the Spotify team on Twitter, but this is very dissapointing in terms of customer service. Being able to solve a matter solely through one communications platform is, like I said, **bleep**ing **bleep**e.

I apologize for not offering anymore than I have, Larsian. I am not affiliated with Spotify, in case you were confused. I do empathize with you because, to me, Spotify means a lot, and to go through a situation similar to yours would be horrible.


I suggested signing out of all devices, but after your comment, I understand now that I didn't think it through. As far as I know, if the person who has taken the account has changed the associated email account, and the password to both the email and the Spotify account, not much can be done. The only hope would be to contact Spotify through their channels (like I said) and have verifiable information at the ready, such as billing statements to your bank, and the card used to sign up for premium. 


Twitter is a great platform for contact because of how direct it is. Also, bad PR for a company of this size is a nightmare, so creating a storm on social media should grab their attention. I'm sure this isn't the first time this has happened, either, so asking them about their processes during a situation like this would be beneficial for the entire Spotify community.


I do wish you the best, and I hope you recover your account.

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