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Im paying for Premium but my Account does not get the Premium features


Im paying for Premium but my Account does not get the Premium features



I have an active Premium Subscription since 2012 but now it does not work anymore. When I look at my receipts page my last payment is also missing, but my Bank account shows that I did pay.


My Account says that I have an active subscription and that my Subscription will change to Spotify Premium on 2014-03-10 which is when my next payment will be made.


I have already tried to reinstall the client which did not fix my issue.


I have also contacted the customer support directly but they said that I should make a post here.


I hope that someone here may know how to  fix this.


Thank you for your time.

251 Replies

Spotify Fall# 01410678


Escalated that case number for you.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Hey @Susmu -- that case is in the right queue, don't worry. They'll be in touch as soon as they can but our German speakers are more busy than everyone else at the moment. Bear with us!


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So, it's been six days now and I am thinking about getting myself one of those monthly paycards to gain my premium again. Would that make any sense or is it contrary to your process of cleaning up the mess??

same problem here, case #01414264

I think the German team must be a little behind, as long as you guys have replied to the automated replies someone should get back to you as soon as they can.

@yayay - I don't see why not, although I'm not sure if the payment error on your account will let you do it. You may get a "Premium not available" error when you try and redeem it.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Someone please call 911


my premium Account is off since a week. I am not able to upgrade my account, since "premium is not available in my region"

Well, it was for the last two years!! In the Abonnement Area it says that my account will be switch back to premium on April 28 th ( with my next pay) but until  today, May 2nd nothing happend!!

Thanks fpr help!!


This is ma case Numer: 01418250

Hey everyone,


same problem as everyone before me, i have paid for years and this week it stopped working for no reason. My case number is 01426274.


Thank you for your help.



Same case here, no Premium Account despite payment via Sofortdauerauftrag on 23-04-2014. I already replied to the automated support mail. My case number: 01408182



Same here: #01427264

Just to let you know guys, I've escalated those case numbers to make sure they are with the right team for you.

Hang in there.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Thanks guys, I'm making sure these cases get seen to.

Hang in there!
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same problem here: #01427381



I am also having the problem in Germany - also paying via Sofort Dauerautfrag


Tried to contact support but no answer yet. 01426764


Transfer were for sure removed from my current account.





I have the same problem. Would be nice if you help me too.


My case 

# 01417118



I've escalated those last few case numbers too guys.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Hi everyone

I am having the same Problem.
Up until now, I have been paying for my Premium Account via "Sofortüberweisung". But since yesterday, I can't acces my premium anymore eventhough it says in my profile, that my premium will be automatically renewed from 2014-05-02. This has not happened and its really stupid because I love my music 😄 

case number is 01426488

Please help me, I love spotify and listening to my music, it makes driving to work so much easier in the mornings 😉

Same! very frustrating.


My paypal Transaction ID #37512207S30027411

fri. 02. may. 2014

same case here. my account is "free" since over two months but my bank account has been charged every month.



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