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Lost Premium Privileges

Lost Premium Privileges

Loss of Premium Privileges

Last year I switched my mobile phone contract with FIDO, as part of the switch I received a 2 year Premium subscription. About a year into my subscription I upgraded my phone. I asked the FIDO reps if this would affect my Spotify account. They ensured me that it wouldn’t. I would still have access to the premium privileges for the remained of my original contract. A month after installing Spotify on my new device, I have lost all premium privileges. For the last 2 weeks or so I can’t download songs, I can’t select and play songs (from pre-made playlists or my own) I only can play songs by means of the shuffle feature.

How can I get back my premium privileges and how will I be compensated for the loss of these privileges?

1 Reply

Hey @bmo561,


Please reach out to Fido about this, as they're the one's managing your subscription.


Thanks. 🙂

MaximSpotify Star
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