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Lost my premium account


Lost my premium account

Help me Spotify!


I had a premium account and suddenly when I wanted to log in again with my facebook account, I got a new free one..

Now I can't access to my premium account but it still exists..


What can I do?


155 Replies

Hi Spotify Community,


I deactivated my Facebook and wanted to continue using Spotify, but found that impossible. When I signed into my Spotify account, it reactivated my Facebook, which I didn't want to happen. So, now I'm trying to figure out how to unsync my Facebook from my Spotify account. Please advise on that issue. AND on top of that, my Spotify Premium (that I just signed up for) has reverted back to the Free version. Please help!



Maggie (Username# 12132160351)

@user-removed - Get in touch here and then reply directly to the automated email and an adviser will be in touch to help you get set up on a new account. 

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Wooooaw we seem so many to have experienced the same problem!!! I have it right now and i am kind of desesperate!!! Did they solved your problem? How can we do??? I see all the messages of the error but i havn't read no one saying it had been fixed.... :s  And people seem to wait for a long period of time... HELP!!!

Hi, I had to write the support  many times and than I got a link where I could change my password and everything was working again 

@user-removed wrote:

Wooooaw we seem so many to have experienced the same problem!!! I have it right now and i am kind of desesperate!!! Did they solved your problem? How can we do??? I see all the messages of the error but i havn't read no one saying it had been fixed.... :s  And people seem to wait for a long period of time... HELP!!!


@user-removed - Is your account showing as premium on your online overview?


If it is showing as premium then you should be good to go! Sometimes a quick log out and back in again is needed. If you are still having issues, try a clean reinstallation of the application. 


If your account is still showing as free then you have not logged into the account you have upgraded. Double check your details, its amazingly easy to accidentally have two accounts, one with a Spotify username and another using your Facebook details. If you can't find your account, don't subscribe again as you might be billed twice, instead get in touch with the customer services team directly using the online contact form and they will be able to lend a hand.


If you get an automated email reply back directing you to the community or help pages, you need to reply directly to that email (even if its from no-reply) and one of the customer services agents will get back to you as soon as possible.

Alternatively, if you prefer support via Twitter, please tweet @SpotifyCares.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Same problem. Seems as if Spotify does ot have the upport capabilities to handle all of its customers. Funny thing is, they don't seem to have a problem pulling money from our accounts. In fact, there are a lot of people that are being billed twice a month and can't seem to get that resolved either. This is getting out of control. I have used the contact from twice and looked all over the web for some type of phone number. Come on Spotify... if you can't handle the art of Customer Service, don't take our money. 

Are you saying you didn't even receive an automated response directing you back to the community or help pages? Did you check your spam/junk folders? Is the correct email address shown in your account overview?

Same thing happened me too. Please check 

Spotify Case # 01389822

I have made sure that your case is in the right hands. Someone will be in touch shortly 🙂

For Twitter support, find us at @SpotifyCares.

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Achtung: Sofort GmbH unterstützt keine Daueraufträge mehr!!! Hier ein Zitat des Supports:

Ich habe einen Blick in dein Konto geworfen und es sieht so aus, als habe es ein Problem bei der letzten Überweisung via Sofort-Dauerauftrag gegeben, welches einige Kunden betraf, darum wurde dein Abo jetzt gestoppt.

Dafür möchten wir uns entschuldigen, wir sind aber leider nicht in der Lage, dein altes Abo jetzt zu reaktivieren, das heisst aber nicht, dass wir dir den bezahlten Monat nicht erstatten werden. Wir werden unser Bestes tun, dich so schnell wie möglich zu entschädigen.

Anschließend hast du die Möglichkeit, entweder die 9,99€ erstattet zu bekommen oder eine neue Premiummitgliedschaft zu erhalten. Außerdem musst du in deinem Onlinebanking den Dauerauftrag beenden und eine neue Bezahlmethode auf wählen. Kontaktiere bitte den Spotify Support, sie werden dir den Schaden ersetzen!


Hi there, I also lost my premium account last week. I am with spotify for more than 12 months. The money left my account as usual. I also signed in with facebook. I have contacted spotify customer care 3 days ago... no reply until now... Is there anybody that could help you? My account number is the following: 1122374452

@ballerini - Could you let us know the 8-digit case number from when you got in touch? It is normally in the subject line of the automated email reply.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Hi Peter,

Unfortunately I had sent an email to in Germany. So there was no 8-digit case number. Is it possible to help me without this case number?

Best regards,


Let me get a Spotify team member to see if they can find your case in the system. 😉

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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@ballerini wrote:

Hi Peter,

Unfortunately I had sent an email to in Germany. So there was no 8-digit case number. Is it possible to help me without this case number?

Best regards,




I've just made sure your Case is with the right team, you'll get an email very soon.


Apologies for the delay on this. 


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I have the same problem as well. Seems like the problem is there for a little longer in my account.


86137671011 2014-03-03 9,99 €
86137671011 2014-01-23 9,99 €
86137671011 2013-12-23 9,99 €


And my status is the: Du hast ein Abonnement für . Das Abonnement wird am Spotify Premium automatisch auf2014-04-21 umgestellt und dir werden 9,99 € in Rechnung gestellt, wenn du es nicht vorher kündigst.


This sentences don't even make sense in German. 


Deactivated my montly payment, hope you can fix this problem soon. 🙂



You will need to get in touch with the customer services team directly using the online contact form and they will be able to lend a hand to get you up and running again.

If you get an automated email reply back directing you to the community or help pages, you need to reply directly to that email (even if its from no-reply) and one of the customer services agents will get back to you as soon as possible.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I have this same issue. I'm not sure what needs to be done, but I assume it's as simple as merging the two facebook accounts together.

Could someone look at my case - # 01409992? I'm a premium user and its been about a day.

Hey @jwooo -- that's now "overdue" in our system so you'll get a response really soon. It should be much quicker for any replies after that.


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