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My account got hacked

My account got hacked


For the last 2 days my spotify acted on a weird way. My library was lost exept for my playlists(thank god) and new songs kept being added, so, obviously I understood my account has been hacked. Of course I changed the password immediately, but I lost all the songs on my library exept the ones in playlists and it's difficult for me to find them again. Is there a way to restore my library at the state it was 3 days ago? It won't be easy for me to trust spotify after that, as this is the first time my password has been leaked(I know nobody took it from me, as I live alone and I am very cautious).

1 Reply

Hey @Gamio,


Sorry to hear this! No worries, help’s here. 


In this case, I would recommend checking out this support article: for what to do next 😊


Hope this helps 🙂

Billy-JSpotify Star
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