
Help Wizard

Step 1


My facebook account is blocked for 70 days i cant log in unsing it

My facebook account is blocked for 70 days i cant log in unsing it

1) MY FACEBOOK ACCOUNT is blocked for 70 days i cant log in unsing it

2) I CANT CHANGE MY ASSOCIATED SPOTIFY eMAIL TO A NEW ONE. the option is blocked here in spotify because is associated to facebook account mail

3)The good thing is that i managed to LOG IN here using My ID NUMBER: 11100085789

4) My facebook account is blocked due to a reportf**  and i dont know if it will be accesible anymore.
SO i am thinking in making a new one.

5)  i want to continue using my SPOTIFY account without linking it to facebook

6) how can i make to UNlink this spotify account from that facebook account and link it to a new one and a new mail in case the facebook account is finally blocked forever in 70 days ???


1 Reply

Hi there,


To disconnect from Facebook, please follow the steps in this topic.
Please keep in mind that it's not an official supported workaround.


Otherwise you may get in touch with Spotify via their Twitter page (@SpotifyCares), or by following this link to send an e-mail.
If you send an e-mail, please check your inbox (and spam box) to check for their automatic reply. Once you get it, please reply to it immediatly (even if it's from an no-reply e-mail addres) to make sure an Spotify employee will get back to you as soon as possible.

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