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One Account - Two Phones

One Account - Two Phones


I'm not sure where to go for help so here I am.....

My partner and I just have free Spotify and we have one account, but have it on each of our phones.  I just logged in on my phone with his Spotify login etc.  He has a Playlist on his phone but it doesn't show on mine, and the account on my phone has different music on it.  

Can we have the same accounts/playlists etc on two phones?  Or do we need Premium to do this?  We will only play songs from one phone at a time, but want to be able to edit/add songs to the same account from each of our phones.

Any help from any one would be appreciated!



1 Reply

Hey @DionSteph, welcome to the Community!


Keep in mind that all Spotify accounts, whether Free or Premium, are meant exclusively for personal use. This means that a single account can only be used in one device at a time.


In this case, our best suggestion would be to create a new account for one of you guys at absolutely no cost. You can do so from this link.


We hope this helps. Have an amazing day 🙂

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