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Problema dirección en cuenta Duo

Problema dirección en cuenta Duo



Premium Duo




Estoy tratando de compartir el link  para incluir a familiar en la cuenta duo y aún cuando ingresa exactamente la misma dirección que tengo yo como titular de la cuenta (según aparece en mi perfil de Spotify, le indicia que no es posible porque tiene que ser la misma. Lo he intentado varias veces y nada. Favor solución


7 Replies

Hey, @carloshernandez 
Welcome to Spotify Community and thanks for reaching out here!

I hope you don't mind I'm answering in English...


Are you trying to accept the invitation using the same device you've used to invite? Probably when you are trying to accept the invitation, your own account is signed in the device, so you will not be able to accept the invitation for your partner. 

I recommend that you resend the invitation link and try to open the link using an incognito tab. It will guarantee that your partner signs in their own account to accept the invitation link you've sent.


If you have any other further questions or need more help, let me know! I'd love to help!

Best Regards,

LuanSpotify Star
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Hello, I have the same problem with my wife account and she is tryng to open with her device. And we change the address and the same problem appear. Hope you can helo me.

Hi @Fedemi91,


Thanks for posting on the Community and welcome,

The right team is aware of this situation, for this reason, we recommend that you visit this thread for more details related to this issue. 


Also, make sure to click +VOTE and Subscribe to the thread to be notified of any developments. Additionally, make sure to follow the content included on the Status update section.


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I'm having the same issue. I'm trying to add my partner and the app says that we are not in the same location. She is using her own device, and it keep saying that is not the same address. I need a solution! 

Hey @Juancaro8902,


Welcome to the Community and thank you for joining the conversation.


This type of error is commonly caused when one of the users has a different country registered on their account. First, to make sure we covered the basics, we'd recommend to the user you're inviting to accept the request in a private/incognito window to see if it makes any difference.


If the issue persists, make sure both accounts are registered in the same country. You can check your own country on your account page. If the other user has a different country, they can change it by following the steps mentioned in this article.


In case that the error message persists, it could be account related. However, since we don't have access to the users' accounts from the Community, we'd suggest contacting our Customer Support, so they can check the accounts and help you further.


Hope this helps. If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to ask.

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I am trying to share the link to include a relative in the duo account and even when you enter exactly the same address that I have as the account holder (as it appears on my Spotify profile, it indicates that it is not possible because it has to be the same. I've tried it several times and nothing. Please solution

Hi there @fayaqbqgvzipiubjur21,


Thanks for the post.


You'll need to make sure that the countries set on both accounts match. Sometimes you'll get this error message about the address if the country on one of the accounts is different than the one in which the address is. 


You can let you family member try opening the link in an incognito browser window or another device as well.


Hope this helps.

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