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I subscribed to the premium account with the promo of 3 months for .99 cents, Why am I being charged 12.95 instead of .99 cents?
3 Replies

Hello and welcome in the community!
Did you get your subscription through another party like for example iTunes?


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Yes. I got it through iTunes

Hello again!

When paying via iTunes, the payment is administered and processed via Apple and not Spotify, and therefore is exempt from any promotions that Spotify may be offering. This includes:


  • Free trial periods
  • 3 months for 0.99 promotion
  • 3 months for 9.99 promotion
  • Student discount
  • Any other discounted subscription promotions

You will need to cancel the subscription with iTunes and subscribe to Spotify directly on the website when your current billing period has expired. Once your subscription has reverted to Free, you will then be able to re-subscribe to Premium on the Spotify website here.


You can find out how to cancel the iTunes subscription here. You can also request a cancellation and refund for the payment via iTunes or by contacting Apple directly.


However now I don't think you'll be able to get the 0.99 promo if the offer was for users that never had premium before.


Hope this helped!

Happy Holidays!



Treat others the way you want to be treated!
I can help in english, franรงais or ฮตฮปฮปฮทฮฝฮนฮบฮฌ
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