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Someone Changed my Email Address

Someone Changed my Email Address

Some one changed my email address with out my AUTHORIZATION 

This is the email I recieved yesterday about a password being changed


No need to worry, you can reset your Spotify password by clicking the link below:
If you didn't request a password reset, feel free to delete this email and carry on enjoying your music!
Your username is: *MY USER NAME WAS HERE*

All the best,
The Spotify Team


So as said I deleted the email. I Ignored the emailed and just a few hours ago I recieved an email saying email address was changed this is the email



Hello, Spotify here.   
We wanted to let you know that the email address on your Spotify account has changed recently.
Your previous email address was: *MY EMAIL ADDRESS WAS HERE*
It's now:

If you meant to do that, then no worries. It's business as usual for you.

If this wasn't you, email us at to let us know. We'll look into what's happened.



HOW DID THEY ALLOW THE EMAIL CHANGE WITH OUT ANY CONFIRMATION FROM THE REAL EMAIL? I contacted every spotify customer support but I am not getting any response. I need spotify it helps me calm down on situations like this. I use it on a daily basis and 10/10 that it helps me. How do I deal with this? And get an immeadiate fix?

16 Replies


I am facing the same problem now also! it happen since 30 min ago~

now my email and account name all changed, couldn't log in to my account anymore~ n my account is suscribing their Premium contract~

How could Spotify allow user to change registered email/acc name, this function is just let those hacker to change our detail easily! So far i haven't get any respond from Spotify yet, I hope they can fix this ASAP!

This happened to me on my old account aswell two days ago. I was spotify premuim and someone chnaged my email address and is listening to music on it as we speak. I contacted support and they are trying to help me right now. I am extremely mad and dissapointed as to how spotify could allow for someone to change the email address of my account and change my password. I hope they resolve this soon.

This also happened to me (premium account). Something changed my e-mailaddress and original password. It also forces my playlist. FB login is still accessible but this way it is not possible to reset anything.

Hello guys,


Thank you for reporting this here on the Community.


Our Accounts team will be happy to help you out on this backstage. Feel free to email/chat us via this link.


Let me know if you need anything else.

I'm having the same problem and waiting for support to reply and freaking out not knowing whether I need to change all my similar passwords on other websites. It's ridiculous that Spotify should allow someone to change the email address without confirming from the old (correct) email address. Clearly this is happening to LOTS of people.



That's very odd. Our system does send an email notification when a user's account information such as email address and password changed.


Have you checked your spam/junk folder on your email?



Happened to me too last night.  Spotify, you need to fix this.

I'm having the same and can't get any help from Spotify !

Had my emailed hacked. Emailed the account details changed email address, how long should I wait for a reply?! I literally signed up 2 days ago and this happens so soon?! How does this get resolved?

**bleep** it happened to me and now I don't have anything I had I really hope they fix this asap

My email was changed just two days ago, and got the email.I did not receive an email about getting my password changed, however--neither in my inbox or any other folder/spam/junk. I started seeing someone else playing on my spotify, since I login with Facebook, I can still access my accounts. But it's not taking my passwords or letting me change anything back. 

Happened to me too. Absolutely unacceptable that the email can be changed without confirmation from the original email. This has been an issue for months, Spotify you need to fix this. It's a huge security concern.

Same problem here. I ended up cancelling the premium from my older hacked account and then I made a new one yesterday and bought a premium with it. Surprise surprise, someone else is using it right now and changed the password. I really hope they cant keep on using my premium, I don't want to pay for someone else to listen to music on my account.

This was the last draw, I will never use spotify again

Same thing just happened to me, received an email at 230am notifiying me that the email address was changed and i cannot access my spotify premium at all.


I emailed support for assistance and still have not received anything.  I cannot even login into the support page of spotify as my email and password are apparently no longer linked to an account.


This is exteremly concerning as it is a billable account for 1 and second i get concerened with the overall security of spotify.


Seems like this is a real issue and has effected quite a few people and is not an issue that just appeared but one that has been a problem for a while.  If i do not hear from them by end of today to get this fixed, i'll probably have to cancel premium as well as all the family accounts as well for fear of credit card problems.  


I'll retweet the issue out so others are aware because this is unacceptable.  I get that these problems can happen but the lack of support to get answers or resolution is the big part.  Deffenitly something that customers world wide should know about and if spotify will not do anything to resolve it, i'll assisnt in getting the word out.

This just happened to me, though whoever tried to change it doesn't understand how Gmail addresses work.  They also changed my plan without my authorization.  Allowing such changes without confirmation is a shocking security lapse for such a large company.

Yes, Spotify sends an email notification, but you need to send an email confirmation before change it to the old email address. You should not change anything without user confirmation. The spotify password could be stolen. This is a security issue.

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