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Username changed by system

Username changed by system

Greetings. Can anybody explain why Spotify changed my username in Spotify account from Nota Artista to d9w0nkt5wrpeumcn6v8hc6p46? Why it happened? I got one more account registered with Facebook named Nota Artista too, but they are different, is that generated the issue?


5 Replies

Hi there @notaartista,

thanks for posting !


I hope i understood you correctly, you have one account registered through FB and another through e-mail, both carrying the same username ?


Waiting on your update 🙂

Hi, I'm having a similar issue, I connected spotify to my FB account a long time ago and at the beginning Spotify was showing my FB username correctly (olly love).. then at some point it switched to a bunch of numbers and there's no option to revert it, not by trying logging out and in again, nor disconnecting and reconnecting FB again.. it's annoying, especially when you have some public playlists stating "created by jagulhlsg..blah" - sheesh


Any help at all please??

Hi there @ollylove,


In order to sync you FB details with Sptoify, please visit your account overview at


After logging in, please scroll down to find the "Privacy" tab on the left menu.

Then, please make sure that the "Process my Facebook data" is on.

If it is, uncheck it and turn it back on as it can help "shake" things up.


Waiting to see how it goes 🙂

Yes, exactly. I just planned also to transfer all information, playlists and subscribtion to the new one and forget the old one (disable it) but now it seems to me it will be more tricky or impossible at all. Because I can not change the profile name on the old acc and on the new one too this feature not avaliable anymore or never was, so, I dont want to be a bunch of numbers and symbols.... Maybe I did somewhere a mistake or waited too long with two same named accounts, but is this a real problem or issue for Spotify I don't know!?...


Maybe the solution will be a:
1. First - transfer all information to new one
2. Disable or delete the old one

3. Link FB to the new one

and than, maybe system will allow you to change Profile name (username) or will change it automatically, i dont know, but if not, it will be impossible to find me on Spotify by typing Nota Artista, it will show only my Artist (it's actually me) but where is profile, it was, it was...OK

Weird, because I got normal user number (URL) on the old one account with only numbers ( and it was the same, the model I mean, for some time on the new one, registered  with email but with the same profile name, but just a few days ago, I wasn't able to find my new user in Spotify by name, even with this bunch of symbols ( but profile exists and profile name impossible to change and impossible to find anymore in Spotify because earlier when I typed Nota Artista it was for me 3 results an Artist, and 2 profiles and Spotify showed it, after system change username, I almost lost my new profile on 50%, yes it is functional but you cant find it by username, is it ok?! I am paying Premium and facing such confusing idiotic problems as not to be possible to change email, cmon, it is email, if you was registered with facebook originally or password, now I cant change profile name, cmon guys... Thank you



The fact that Spotify forces you to link Facebook to even use full profile funcionality is just wrong and problematic.


Facebook is an atrocious company, I left over a year ago and will never go back.  I love spotify, but the fact that I can't even follow friends or family because I am stuck with a randomly generated number instead of my actual name is confusing.


I can't imagine how the idea of randomly generateing profile names as a number, half incorporating a social media-esque user interface, and then to force people into Facebook to even use it was viewed as a good idea.  I don't get it.  


Spotify needs to decide if they are a music platform with social media funcionality, or if they are just a music player.  Either is fine.  But forcing this Facebook partnership is gross, especially considering the direction that company is taking.




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