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facebook account login


facebook account login

Hello everyone. Hope all is well. I just need some help with connecting my facebook account with my spotify account. 


So when I first opened a spotify account i did not have a facebook account. so I linked my spotify account with my mother's facebook account. Now i do have facebook account but i'm having trouble connecting it to my spotify account. the spotify account i have has MY username but my mother's name since it was connected to her facebook. I disconnected her account by going to edit, preferences, and disconnect account, but her name still appears. I connected to MY new facebook account but everytime i try to login using that facebook account, it says "Spotify desktop client communication failed." i tried several times reconnecting it to my new facebook account but it keeps saying that i've already authorized this app so i don't understand why it doesn't let me login or change my mother's name in the spotify app since it says it's connected to MY facebook account.


please help



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Hey @mamush123 and welcome to the community!


I suggest you should get in touch with the Spotify staff by using the online contact form or by tweeting @SpotifyCares on twitter, so they can easily fix it for you / move or merge the accounts. 


If you get an auto reply back directing you to the help pages, just reply directly to that email (even if its from no-reply) and one of the employees will get back to you as soon as possible. (But could be that you have to wait until monday, I think they're not working at the weekends)

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Hey @mamush123 and welcome to the community!


I suggest you should get in touch with the Spotify staff by using the online contact form or by tweeting @SpotifyCares on twitter, so they can easily fix it for you / move or merge the accounts. 


If you get an auto reply back directing you to the help pages, just reply directly to that email (even if its from no-reply) and one of the employees will get back to you as soon as possible. (But could be that you have to wait until monday, I think they're not working at the weekends)

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