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"Credit card about to expire" message still comes after updating card information

"Credit card about to expire" message still comes after updating card information

Me and a family member use the same Premium account, and she, being the person who takes care of the subscription payment, recently updated her new card information after Spotify sent a message about her old credit card (the one she has been paying the subscriptions with until now) being about to expire.

Now, however, despite the card information was updated last week, I still get the pop-up message (on Spotify) about the card being about to expire. The message only began appearing yesterday or today, and reads: "The credit card we have on file is about to expire. Please update your card details to ensure that your Spotify Premium subscription remains uninterrupted." The one that currently should be on the file certainly isn't about to expire. What can I do, or is the application just a few steps late? The payment has been taken care of and there should be no problems about it.

5 Replies

Plus, now that I viewed the payment details on my account at, everything that reads there seems to be in order. Why doesn't my Spotify application seem to be registering the update?

Wait... Now that I look at it, it somehow looks like I have two accounts. When I open on Google Chrome, it shows the correct details, but when I look at on Firefox, it shows expired information and my username on Chrome's "version" is just a number plus my fb profile picture (I haven't connected the accounts) despite I log in with the same information. I'm really confused... Can someone please help?

Lol sorry for spamming my own thread but this is getting even weirder and weirder... Now that I logged out and logged back in it seems as though I was a new member, it now shows in the right upper corner my actual username I registered with two years ago instead of my fb profile pic and a number... So has the payment been done on an account that isn't actually an account? whaat x__x

Again sorry for spamming. I now connected my fb and spotify and now that I look at this account I just registered, it seems as though everything with payments etc. is ok. so I tried to reinstall spotify, but when I try to log in with fb details it opens the program, there is a pop up message, but immediately as I close the message, the program shuts itself down and returns me to the log in screen... PLUS before the program shuts itself, it opens the card is about to expire message again. I really just don't get this. What should I do, and why did the card details update on an account that obviously wasn't something I usually use spotify with (magdalenalgv)?


Conclusion: Basically it seems that when I clicked on the email Spotify sent me last week about the card expiring, something went wrong when I followed the link. Somehow it seems that the payment went to the wrong account, although there didn't seem to be a problem about it back then. I guess I'm canceling the payment on this account and updating the info on the other one. 

If you need any help getting payments set up, don't hesitate to contact the Spotify team here and someone can give you a hand 😉 



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