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"We are currently not able to redeem this code" issue


"We are currently not able to redeem this code" issue

Update: It looks like this was resolved today. If you still experience an issue redeeming a code, please let us know by going here.




It looks like there is an issue for some people redeeming their prepaid Spotify cards.


We're looking into this and hope to have it resolved soon.


In the mean time, please reply in one of the below threads if you want to let us know that you are also epxeriencing this issue.

Community Ergo Sum

Accepted Solutions
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Hi everyone - If you've been unable to redeem a code, please try this workaround:


1. Log into the Spotify website

2. Select your username in the top right-hand corner and click 'redeem a code' from the dropdown menu.





3. Let us know if this works for you !

View solution in original post

73 Replies
Marked as solution

Hi everyone - If you've been unable to redeem a code, please try this workaround:


1. Log into the Spotify website

2. Select your username in the top right-hand corner and click 'redeem a code' from the dropdown menu.





3. Let us know if this works for you !

All sorted now..


I used the contact and had my money for the £9.99 reimbursed this morning and my free 30days trial continues...


All good!


Thank you..

I am still not able to redeem my code!! I have been waiting for almost 24 hours!! First it was the massage" we are currently not able to redeem this code" and now I don`t even get to that point ... Now this massage comes up "

Oops! Something went wrong, please try again or check out our help area" . You haven't helped me yet and now I am very tiered of waiting!!!

I had this error as well, but trying again gave me the message that it had added the 2 months unlimited to my account.

now when i look at my accoutn it still says Spotify free and i got no time credit in the spotify program.

My appologies, i already created a new topic to this forum before i replied to this post.

aurorasoraa - I can see my colleague has already contacted you via email. Our payments team can help through that thread. 


Lavatherm - When you first joined Spotify did you create your own username? Or go via Facebook?


I can only find one account (linked to your Facebook) and no codes have been redeemed. If you have a Spotify username please let me know so I can have a quick look.


I have my spotify linked to Facebook, no spotify account


because when i setup spotify for the first time it was recommended to use a facebook account 😕

What exactly happens when you try to redeem that code again? Are being sure to sign into the website first (see my post above). 


If you still can't redeem that code please fill out our contact form. Let me know the email has been sent and I'll see what i can do. 

1. i was logged in with my facbook account (i clicked upgrade from the Spotify app and it opend a webpage, i checked in the top right corner if i was logged in, this was the case)

2. i filled in what i wanted to purchase (2months Spotify Unlimited)

3. i filled in the code from the giftcard (the one under the silver scratch area)

4. it said "2 months Spotify Unlimited has been added to your account" or something similari, in short SUCCES!

5. i logged out on the Spotify app on my computer and logged back in, to be certain it was updating my account, it still said 0

6. i logged on the site and under my accoutn i looked it said "spotify Free" as what i subscribed to


after you asked me to redeem the code again i get the following:


did i just piss away €10,--  ?

I have the same problem when I try to redeem my code.
I've both tried to log in and redeem a code as said before, I've tried to "Get spotify" and chosen the Giftcard payment, I've tried to do this at three different computers and I've waited, tried again.. Etc.. And It still won't work.
All I get is "We are currently not able to redeem this code," or "Oops, something went wrong. Please try again or check out our help area" and I've also used the Contact form, which gave me nothing but saying I should go to this forum for help.

I bought a giftcard with premium for three months.

I am very desperate to get help, so please!

I receive the same error over and over (although in Dutch): Oeps! Er is iets fout gegaan. Probeer het later opnieuw of ga naar onze Help afdeling.


Have tried the tips from this thread, but nothing seems to work. 

I also have this problem when i try to redeem my code "Oops! Something went wrong, please try again or check out our help area"


Please help.

When i fill in a contact form i get a nice reply in the e-mail that tells me to go to this site.... we have a saying here in Holland for that.. Kastje Muur effect....

No, this also doesn't work for me....I still can't redeem the gift card!!

I got the exact same text.......

I'm also dutch and have the same feeling. Very annoying!

Mine is working again, my tip is to just keep trying!!


That's what i've been trying to do all along and it doesn't work. i started trying over and over again today (friday)

It works, just keep pressing "reedeem" and after awhile it worked!

yeah i got the succes message as well after hammering the button for 200 times but still on a Spotify Free version... so the page is lying to me i guess 😕


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