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[Android] Car View missing under Settings


[Android] Car View missing under Settings

Hi there. I have always used the car mode, since Friday last week it isn't working - I haven't changed any settings at all that I know of.

The car mode in Spotify is not even there anymore? I use an Android and I connect to a bluetooth device in my car. 

93 Replies


I have reinstalled Spotify multiple times, enabled automatic updates, and pretty much done everything recommended to no avail.

What else can I do to get the Car View feature back?

Nothing except downloading a previous APK version of spotify, scroll thru the pages for the version people said that worked (not sure of page). We are currently waiting for an actual update/solution from spotify.

Page 7 of this thread about half way down and you'll find what you're looking for, I'm using it, dont forget to disable automatic updates otherwise you'll be back to square one.

Like you Frag, I to got a transcript of my conversation, I still figure this might be a good way to frustrate the mob at Spotify if everyone just bombards the support team with the same request.
1). Restore Car View.
2). There is a SAFETY feature with Car View, large font, full screen display of whats playing, you are less likely to be distracted because you'll glance the screen, etc. etc.

Another manual update on the old phone 11/12/2020 version, still NO Car VIEW

Car view still gone. I used this feature for about a year, so reading that the solution from Spotify is "maybe you temporarily got an experimental feature" sounds like a joke.


Spotify isn't really known for fast fixes or introducing features required by the community... shame.

As much as I reluctantly use Community Forums (but do appreciate the knowledge and experience-sharing), rarely have I seen one taken seriously by any company's development and support teams. Unless there is direct involvement and conversation from internal personnel, these forums are mostly setup to allow customers to commiserate on issues - which are already known by the firms.


It's only when the company's Bottom Line is affected, will they act - and the best way to get that word out is through news and social media. Reviewers need to highlight issues, journalists should write articles about those issues, and if it's specifically about the SAFETY concern when using the app in the car, that might get people to think, and maybe move, to other platforms.


At the least, it may improve a company's communication process about what they're doing, why they're doing it, and what their roadmap is.

Another update and another FAIL.
Our friendly or NOT so friendly programmers at Spotify have failed to deliver once again, Version uploaded tonight, still - NO CAR VIEW -.

I couldn't help myself I just had to give the crew at customer support another tongue lashing over CAR VIEW, this time I got to chat with Kevin. He had me log in on a test account and when that failed he wanted me to uninstall and reinstall, I've done this many times over but I thought I'd give it a go once more (on the old phone), my goodness what did appear with the reinstall 'CAR VIEW'. Is this what happen to others out there with the reinstall and am I setting myself up for a fall, will it disappear again and if so when will it happen.

Car view mode is back! Works for me in version


All I had to do was to log out, close the app, open it and log in again. Car view mode was back and did not disappear since then.


Hope this fixed it for me.

I did exactly the same the other night and yep back came 'CAR VIEW' and it's still here, mind you I reinstalled version on a old phone and wont update my current one until I've put in the next update and I might even wait for a further update. Trust is hard to get back, are you listening Spotify.

Car View is working for me again now. It's been working for the last couple of days. I have the latest version.

Working here too for the last couple of days.


While the "fix" is's equally concerning, the lack of acknowledgement from Spotify that they actually did anything, or why they did what they did.


Happy for now, at least.

CAR VIEW is back, I have updated twice and there's been no issue, I can say the fix/restore was done, thank you for finally listening. Spotify, tweak away within the software as much as you like but LEAVE CAR VIEW alone.

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