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App uses a LOT of space on internal storage

App uses a LOT of space on internal storage

and it's ridiculous! come on, i sign the service and save my tracks offline, but not only the offline songs are saved, ALL that i hear is saved, and create a monstruous cache. And then, if i delete the cache, all my offline songs gone too, the app have a lot of years and devs don't fix this problem, don't fix on iOS, don't fix on Android... Unforgivable. I deleted the cache last night and today the same, i'm done with this


81 Replies

you may have playlists downloaded to your phone? I don't, still 1+GB

Spotify does not care. they created a successfull business, no need to worry about support since money flows in. Playstore updates also represent that view, they don't care to note what they have fixed, just "we are making it better and better... keep update the app.period."

Yes i pretty much think you said it exacly as it is!! The money is flowing. I am guilty myself, even though i have this issue; I still keep paying them montly and using their service and app. I works fine, but this is a serious issue for people having 8GB phones. I have 32GB so i can manage, BUT it does bother me!! 


I do think that it is a problem that could be solved relativley easily by the Spotify devs.... IF they want and care 

In the Android app, go to Your Library, click the gear icon in upper right hand corner, scroll all the way to the bottom of the Settings and click Delete cache and saved data. I just did this and the app went from 2GB to under 100MB. You will have to log in again, and you will lose anything you saved offline. Also you will have to reset settings (extreme quality, etc). 

I think that has already been addressed as a short-term solution and thank you for the help, but it will normally just balloon back up to that size after you download a few playlists and use them for a short while I believe. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong however.

It's actually worse than I thought. I deleted the app and decided to not download ANY playlists. I have a large data allowance and good 4G coverage.

After a few days Spotify is using 1.31GB of my internal memory.

This is really annoying as the last phone upgrade from a Moto G2 8GB to a Moto X Play 16Gb was purely because Spotify consumed all the internal memory and made it unusable, this one is going the same way, I have to clear the cache every few days to allow app updates. Spotify is 3x larger than the next biggest app, Google Play services.




I have been unable to install updates on a lot of programs also because of the spotify app, even though it is set to download on my SD card it just keeps ballooning up on my actually phone memory

I'm having the same problem.

At the moment I have no offline playlist, but still Spotify is saving that much data on my SD-Card!!! 


Oh man! that did not help at all! we all know that is a workaround but that is our problem!!

I Never had a storage problem.  But two months ago,  8 weeks at the most, I did.  No clue.  And it became more and more persistent. All the apps used mega burrs.  Then,  5 whopping gigabytes on spotify!  Ats a no gooda. I'm going somewhere else.   No one is giving a thumbs up to the solution.  I'll call,  but if it don't work out,  well, alright y then. I'm gone. 5 gig sneaky

Same here, cleared all data, uninstalled spotify, reinstalled, but data is hidden and my galaxy tab still sees my memory as full. Please Spotify do something, it is ridiculous.

Why would I need to factory reset every 6 months, I do not store music on my device

Spotify you need to fix this, I do not download any music, only streaming but internal memory fills up, can't use the sd card, uninstall and data erase doesn't fix either so I need to factory reset my 16 gb tablet, ridiculous...

Since I posted two weeks, Spotify has grabbed another 1GB on precious internal memory. I agreed with the posted that said removing the app does not remove all it's data. I have NO downloaded music.


At this rate Spotify will use my internal memory in 3 months!!!





2017-12-04 07.32.22.png

11.5 gb on my device

Exact same problem here.

Spotify is choking my phone storage, taking upwards of 5-7GB's without any offline music! 

Every 2-3 weeks I have to delete the app and re-set everything up!


8 gb out of 16 , premium account no downloads...? Whats on my phone!?! Lol 


Same here - i've tried reinstalling etc. Spotify continues to grab 7-8gb when I'm not looking. Absurd. 

I suggest OneStaring the applicaton otherwise will be never solved.. they don't read this forum obviously 

In the last two days spotify used up 1.5 gig of memory and i did not even USE the app at all??? and i have zero songs or playlists downloaded. It's **bleep**ing with my data plan and filling up my phone when i am not using the app. What is going on? 


I have the same problem, 1,89 Gb used by spotify, need to delete all Spotify data and then log in and setup my preferencies. Very frustrating.


Does Spotify even read these strories?

Why we do not see any offial comment from Spotify here?

Are they going to fix this?

No, as long as you sign in it should be fine.

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