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Car view for Android users

Car view for Android users


March 5, 2019: 


Starting today all Premium users on Android will see a new feature while in car view.


Now it’s easier to change and view content directly from the car view.


carMode_rollout 3.gif


From the car view, just tap or swipe on the “CHOOSE MUSIC” area at the bottom.


You’ll then see a list of recommended playlists to change to, with the current playing context centered in the middle.


By tapping or swiping you can select another playlist, and it will start playing immediately.


Please post in the Android section of the Community if you have any questions. Any feature improvements or suggestions should go directly to the Spotify Idea Exchange.


January 17, 2019: This week Spotify launched car view--a simpler Now Playing view that allows for easier use when listening to Spotify in your car over Bluetooth. Now, available globally to all Android users, car view can help make listening to your music and podcasts more enjoyable.


When you connect to your car’s Bluetooth, the car view is enabled automatically as your music or podcast starts playing.


To search tap Your Library, Browse or Search. Once you’re listening you can use the seek bar to skip to another part of the song/episode. Free users will be able to enjoy the experience via shuffle mode.


You or another car passenger can opt out temporarily (until you next connect to a car) directly from the car view by clicking the three dots menu. You can also opt out of the feature permanently from within your Spotify settings.


We’ve highlighted some top questions you might have below. Be sure to comment in this thread if you have any other questions. For feature requests or changes to car view post an idea in the Spotify Idea Exchange here.


Q: Why don’t I see this feature yet?

A: Ths is rolling out to all Android users globally. If you don’t see it yet you will soon.


Q: Can I use the feature if I connect to Spotify via AUX cable in the car?

A: No, currently this feature only works if you connect to a Bluetooth speaker in the car.


Q: Is landscape mode also supported?

A: Yes, landscape mode is also supported.


Q: When will this be available for iOS?

A: As soon as we have an update on this feature rolling out to other devices we will let you know here.


image (16).png



17 Replies

Can you make this work with 3rd party Bluetooth adapters? 

I have the option enabled and bluetooth connected to my car but the layout didn't change  

This would be great if Spotify would also automatically start/resume playing when bluetooth connects.

Nice. Can any chance that swiping to change tracks could be added to this mode? 

This is great!

However, my car doesn't support bluetooth. This is why i listen via a speaker. Is it possible to apply this mode manually?



Yes please make it so that you can manually activate and deactivate car mode!!! Please!

Hello mark! Spotify detects your car's bluetooth by the name of the device that connected. You should change and insert word "car" in your car's bluetooth name. example: "mark's toyota" to "mark's car"

as long as you can change the name of bluetooth that connected to your phone and insert word "car" in it, the layout of your phone will change into car view. have a great day!

Unfortunately I caanot change my bluetooth name in my car but I can in my phone which I did. It hasn't changed the layout, please update so you can change the bluetooth name in the phone so the layout changes. Thanks 

So basically, six years since you launched Landscape mode for Android users, but not for iOS users, you release this feature ONLY for Android users, with no time frames for a release for iOS users. 


This is exactly the use case which iOS users have been begging for landscape mode from you for the past half decade. 


The request itself hasn’t even had an update from you for the past two years. 


Why do you feel it’s ok to neglect iOS users? Should we just stick to Apple Music instead? 


Seriously dissapointed with this company. 

where in the **bleep** is the Settings option to turn this off?  I am really getting tired of having 'options' and 'good ideas' forced on me.  Tell me how to turn this off!

@liemhy wrote:

Hello mark! Spotify detects your car's bluetooth by the name of the device that connected. You should change and insert word "car" in your car's bluetooth name. example: "mark's toyota" to "mark's car"

Not very user friendly. Can't find this info in the app.


Can you please change so it will also use car manufacturer names, like BMW, Toyota, etc? 

Or just allow us to manually select which BT device is a car.


I haven't been able to update since V8.4.77.779 since versions after that won't connect with my Pioneer headunit.

Has this been fixed alongside this new feature (I'd like to know before going through the palaver of upgrade / uninstall / reinstall from apkmirror / re-download all my playlists)

nevermind.  I turned it off and it is still happening.

It would be great if we could turn this on even when we're not in the car. It's handy for other situations as well.

When this launches for iOS, will it feature landscape mode as it does on Android? 

Hey folks, 


If you have any questions or issues with the car view feature please start a new thread for each one in the Android so we can help. 



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