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No Starred Playlist

No Starred Playlist

I can't access my starred playlist on the Android app. Is there any way to fix this, or have Spotify just decided not to allow free Android users access to their starred lists?
2 Replies

Hey there.


Starred list is removed.


If you want it back, just create new list and name is Starred list.


To find your starred tracks, please go to desktop and place to search bar this spotify:playlist:starred or this spotify:playlist - it should work.


Kind regards.


Jyrziu xd


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This is so frustratingly stupid, I think that I might actually just go ahead and quit Spotify. I have hundreds of songs on my starred playlist, I'm not paying for premium so I don't have the desktop version, and it's a huge hassle to have to create a new playlist and find a way to put all my songs on there. None of this would be an issue, except when I try to play on the web browser, Spotify plays ONE SONG and then stops. On every browser.


Go **bleep** yourself, Spotify. Shoddy goddamn quality.

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