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Spotify crash on Xperia

Spotify crash on Xperia

Since 2011 I have been a premium subscriber and have had my Spotify working perfectly on all different devices. Recently I am not able to even open the app as it gives me default message repetedly ( see picture attached) and refuses to work. I have cleared chache, reinstalled and rebooted about 10 times in hopes that it will start work. It stopped working just after it's automatic update last week.

I need this app in my life again, appreciate all help!

3 Replies

Can you follow the guide linked below for a clean install as there are certain steps to take which involve deleting a folder which may remain after an uninstall.


If this still isn't working, try without the SD card... it appears some SD cards are becoming corrupt and causing the cache to fail.

[GUIDE] How to fix common issues for Spotify on Android

Please use the search feature before posting a problem/bug/idea.
What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

I have the same problem since a few days (I guess since the last update) and tried what daniel suggested below. didn't work for me though.

@test123 wrote:

I have the same problem since a few days (I guess since the last update) and tried what daniel suggested below. didn't work for me though.

I recommend you contact Spotify Support using the form here.

You will get an automated reply at first, however if you need to chase them just reply to the email as it does get monitored.

Please use the search feature before posting a problem/bug/idea.
What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

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